Office of Contract Administration

We help the City procure goods and services to provide residents with essential government services.

An image of San Francisco skyscrapers under a blue sky

Buy goods or services

Need to buy something for your department, but don't know where to start? We can help you figure out what purchasing rules to follow.Start here


Start a new purchase or contract

OCA's citywide term contracts
Before making a purchase, review OCA's current citywide term contracts for commonly purchased goods and services.
Special purchasing programs
Learn about OCA's special processes for copiers, uniforms, footwear, training, gift cards and emergencies.
Commodities and general services purchases
Learn how to procure commodities and general services not available on existing City contracts.
Professional services, software license and online content agreements
Learn how to buy professional services, software licenses or online content.
Technology purchasing options and considerations
Learn about your 3 options for buying technology-related goods or services and when to use them.
Standard City contract and grant agreement templates
Select from the appropriate contract or grant agreement template for your transaction.
One-time purchases for goods and general services less than $20,000
One-time purchases of commodities and general services less than $20,000 can be made by a purchase order issued by City departments without going through OCA.
One-time purchases for goods and general services over $20,000
If purchasing goods or general services greater than $20,000, you must submit a requisition to OCA to make the purchase on your behalf.
Multi-year contracting for goods and services
Access the tools you need to enter into a multi-year contract for goods or services.
Grant award rules and templates
Learn how the City awards grants and find grant templates. (OCA does not approve grants but provides templates as a courtesy.)

Contracting approvals and waivers by City agencies


We support the procurement of goods and services by City departments to provide San Francisco residents with essential government services.

Learn more about us

Sign up for OCA updates

Sign up

Contact information


City Hall1 Dr Carlton B. Goodlett Place
Room 430
San Francisco, CA 94102


General questions

Request public records

Submit requests for the Office of Contract Administration.

Archived website

See previous website archived on .