Office of Contract Administration
We help the City procure goods and services to provide residents with essential government services.
Office of Contract Administration
We help the City procure goods and services to provide residents with essential government services.

Buy goods or services
Need to buy something for your department, but don't know where to start? We can help you figure out what purchasing rules to follow.Start hereFinal Dates for Receipt of Requisitions and Contracts for FY24-25
See OCA’s Fiscal Year-End submission deadlines for departments’ Chapter 21 requisitions and contracts
New CMD 14B LBE Subcontracting Participation Application In ServiceNow is Ready for You!
As of December 13, 2024, departments should now begin using this new application to check and set subcontracting requirements for all future solicitations and contracts.
OCA Term Contracts
OCA's citywide term contracts for purchasing common goods and services
Overview of how to buy goods and services
What transactions go through OCA under Chapter 21?
OCA is governed by Chapter 21 of the San Francisco Administrative Code. Learn what transactions fall under Chapter 21 before starting a purchase.
Purchasing decision tree
Need to buy goods or services for your department but don't know where to start? Let us help.
San Francisco Administrative Code Chapter 21
Chapter 21 governs how City departments can purchase goods, general services and professional services.
Principles and Standards of Ethical Purchasing Conduct
The Office of Contract Administration (OCA) subscribes to the California Association of Public Procurement Officials (CAPPO)’s Standards of Procurement Practice.
Start a new purchase or contract
OCA's citywide term contracts
Before making a purchase, review OCA's current citywide term contracts for commonly purchased goods and services.
Special purchasing programs
Learn about OCA's special processes for copiers, uniforms, footwear, training, gift cards and emergencies.
Commodities and general services purchases
Learn how to procure commodities and general services not available on existing City contracts.
Professional services, software license and online content agreements
Learn how to buy professional services, software licenses or online content.
Technology purchasing options and considerations
Learn about your 3 options for buying technology-related goods or services and when to use them.
Standard City contract and grant agreement templates
Select from the appropriate contract or grant agreement template for your transaction.
One-time purchases for goods and general services less than $20,000
One-time purchases of commodities and general services less than $20,000 can be made by a purchase order issued by City departments without going through OCA.
One-time purchases for goods and general services over $20,000
If purchasing goods or general services greater than $20,000, you must submit a requisition to OCA to make the purchase on your behalf.
Multi-year contracting for goods and services
Access the tools you need to enter into a multi-year contract for goods or services.
Grant award rules and templates
Learn how the City awards grants and find grant templates. (OCA does not approve grants but provides templates as a courtesy.)
Contracting approvals and waivers by City agencies
Contracting requirements, approvals and waivers by agency
Read the requirements for common agency approvals, requirements, and waivers you may need for a contract.
Contracting waivers
Find out which contracting requirements you may waive and under what circumstances, and how to submit a waiver request.
CCSF Purchasing and Contracting Application Suite
Find links to all contract related applications in one place,
Green purchasing requirements
Read the Department of Environment's rules for buying goods that are safe for the environment.
Equipment Disposal Request
Use this form to request OCA's approval to dispose of City assets.
Chapter 21 Direct Voucher Checklist
Use this form to request a Direct Voucher payment for Chapter 21 purchases, in accordance with the Office of the Controller's Accounting Policies & Procedures.
Contractual Risk Management One-Pager
Read this one-pager to learn more about the steps and strategies involved in contractual risk management.
Supplier resources
Chapter 21 contracting basics for suppliers
Learn about how City buys non-construction commodities and services
Contracting with the City and County of San Francisco
Registering, submitting bids and proposals, and working on a contract.
Find OCA bid opportunities
Learn how to find solicitations published by OCA
Find a certified LBE to work with
Search our directory to find an LBE to work with on a contract for your department.
Future contract opportunities
Explore, plan, and prepare for future opportunities.
Post your nonprofit annual economic statement
If your nonprofit organization received more than $100,000 from the City, you must make certain information publicly available.
OCA reports and memoranda
We support the procurement of goods and services by City departments to provide San Francisco residents with essential government services.
Learn more about usSign up for OCA updates
Sign upContact information
City Hall1 Dr Carlton B. Goodlett Place
Room 430
San Francisco, CA 94102
Room 430
San Francisco, CA 94102
General questions