Find jobs, fellowships, and internships with the City of San Francisco.

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With more than 60 departments, the City and County of San Francisco can use your skills. When you work for the City, you choose purpose!Find jobsServices
Jobs with the City
Search for jobs
Find and apply for jobs with the City and County of San Francisco.
Join or rejoin the workforce
The Access to City Employment (ACE) Program connects qualified disabled individuals with permanent City jobs.
Apply for technologist positions
Connects experienced technologists with City positions where they can make an impact.
Apply for City apprenticeships
Learn on the job, get industry credentials, and prepare yourself for a career in a trade or technical field.
Learn about SF fellowships
Paid full-time, 11-month program preparing recent college graduates for a career with the City.
Apply for an internship with DPA's Law and Justice Reform Internship Program
The Department of Police Accountability has opportunities for students interested in public service. Applications are open.
Apply for an internship with Project Pull
Paid summer internships in City departments for high school students
Apply for an internship with the Human Rights Commission
Join us at HRC for exciting projects at the forefront of social justice in the City.
More services
Apply to be a mentor for Project Pull
City employees can apply to mentor high school interns.
Apply to be a team leader for Project Pull
College students can apply to lead teams of high school interns in City departments.
Apply to become a Community Ambassador
The Community Ambassadors Program (CAP) is a community safety and neighborhood engagement job training program
Apply to become a Community Ambassador Trainee
The Community Ambassadors Program (CAP) is a community safety and neighborhood engagement job training program