Information sessions and workshops

Register for sessions and workshops

For upcoming 1-hour long workshops, please click on the "Register" link below and choose the session you would like to attend. Registrations are available at least 24 hours in advance. While space is limited, drop-ins are welcomed.

The workshops are available to public and City employees.*

*City employees are encouraged to attend any of the workshops, including featured sessions or workshops designated for City employees.

Register now for upcoming workshops you would like to attend.


Adopting AI in the workplace
Join us for the interactive session on the use of ChatGPT in professional settings, covering core features (e.g. text generation, image creation, web browsing, and data analysis), demos (prompt engineering and data handling, customized tools, and best practices Learn how to apply these tools in your day-to-day work! (2/26)
Career Conversations with Your Manager (for City Employees)
Learn how to have an effective conversation with your manager to unlock your potential and pave the way to your career advancement! The workshop will equip you with the tools and confidence you need to initiate meaningful career discussions, demonstrate your achievements, and foster a collaborative relationship with your team.
Changing Careers - Identifying Transferrable Skills
This workshop provides mid-career professionals and veterans with effective techniques and strategies to consider new career opportunities with the City by identifying transferrable skills. Veterans and military personnel are strongly encouraged to attend this workshop. (3/5)
City Career Pathways
Whether you're in transition, a recent college graduate, or seeking an opportunity to launch an impactful career, discover the essential skills and competencies needed to kickstart your journey with the City. (2/10, 2/24, 3/10, and 3/24)
City Department Spotlight
Explore our City departments, experience a day in the life of employees, and learn about current job opportunities directly from department representatives. (2/11)
City Job Search Strategies
This hands-on session offers essential tips for searching, identifying, and applying for city job opportunities, suitable for professionals at any level. Stay for a quick Q&A session afterward. (2/25, 3/18)
Civil Service Exams and Selection Process
Learn about civil service exams and key components of the exams process, which include referral and post referral service processes. Review the upcoming exams schedule and prepare for a successful test-taking experience!
Civil Service Exams Process
Gain insights on how to prepare for Civil Service Exams. This interactive workshop will give an overview of the different types of exams. It will also cover the examination results process. (2/13, 2/27, 3/13, and 3/27)
Conviction History Program
If you plan on applying with the city and are concerned about your record, this workshop will go over information on how a conviction history review is completed at the department of human resources and the further analysis process.
Educational Partner Presentation
Engage with educational partners supporting City employees' career and educational goals through presentations and Q&A sessions.
Educational Support Programs (For City Employees)
Discover SEIU Work Training, City University, and Tuition Reimbursement opportunities for City employees. (2/21, 3/21)
Getting started: Applying for a City Job
Gain insight into the City job application process, including understanding different appointment types, reading job announcements, and navigating the application process, which includes supplemental questionnaires. (2/20, 3/6, and 3/20)
Interview Skills
Learn about the job interview process within the City and discuss techniques to stand out in your next interview. Learn best practices and prepare yourself for the next step in your career. (2/25, 3/11, and 3/25)
Introduction to City Apprenticeship
Learn about the City's various earn and learn apprenticeship programs and how to apply. Find out how apprenticeships can prepare you for a new career in skilled crafts and trades or other essential work in the City.
Management Chats (for City Employees)
Join this monthly opportunity to connect informally with other supervisors and managers in the City to continue your professional learning, problem-solve together, and become part of a peer support network. This will be an interactive session. Feel free to bring your lunch! (2/28, 3/28)
Resume Writing
This interactive session will cover tips and strategies to best tailor and format resumes and cover letters for a specific position. (2/19, 3/4, and 3/19)
Take a Workforce Development training class (for City Employees)
Build your skills and problem solve with other City staff.
The Power of Networking
This interactive workshop explores the fundamental elements of networking (what, why, how, and with whom). Participants will learn and practice effective strategies for networking in both formal and informal settings, including how to follow up after initial interactions. Participants are encouraged to practice these strategies during the workshop!

Partner agencies