First-Come, First-Served BMR Rental Listings
The housing opportunities below were previously listed on DAHLIA San Francisco Housing Portal. After contacting all applicants on the lottery list, there are still units available. The project sponsor is now accepting applications on a first-come, first-served basis. Applications are accepted until all available units are leased. Check the listing for the number of units available.
To get more information about the property and apply, click on the listing below.
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Buildings with available units
The Canyon
Brought to you by the Port of San Francisco
Address: 1023 3rd Street
Neighborhood: Mission Bay
Rents: $2,779 - $5,045
Monthly Minimum Income: $5,558 - $10,090
Monthly Maximum Income: 120% - 150% AMI (Area Median Income)
Parking: No parking
Brought to you by the Mayor's Office of Housing and Community Development (MOHCD)
Address: 361 Turk Street
Neighborhood: Tenderloin
Rents: $962
Monthly Minimum Income: $1,924 - $5,496
Monthly Maximum Income: 55% AMI (Area Median Income)
Parking: No parking