Report a business or event for a sound issue
File a sound complaint if you have a problem with a business or event.
What to do
Report the complaint to 311
If you are in San Francisco, call 3-1-1, visit 311 online, or download the SF311 mobile app on your smartphone. Your complaint will be sent to the Entertainment Commission's Enforcement Division.
If the event is in a City park or plaza, your complaint will be sent to the the SF Recreation and Parks Department.
If the complaint is about residential sound, a street performance unaffiliated with a business, car music, or an encampment, contact SFPD non-emergency at 415-553-0123.
You can speak to 311 in your own language.
Get help
Additional info
Contact Us
Email the Entertainment Commission’s Enforcement Division at This email account is checked during normal business hours.
What to do
Report the complaint to 311
If you are in San Francisco, call 3-1-1, visit 311 online, or download the SF311 mobile app on your smartphone. Your complaint will be sent to the Entertainment Commission's Enforcement Division.
If the event is in a City park or plaza, your complaint will be sent to the the SF Recreation and Parks Department.
If the complaint is about residential sound, a street performance unaffiliated with a business, car music, or an encampment, contact SFPD non-emergency at 415-553-0123.
You can speak to 311 in your own language.
Get help
Additional info
Contact Us
Email the Entertainment Commission’s Enforcement Division at This email account is checked during normal business hours.