Prepare to notify your tenants about your application to Fix Lead SF

Gather the documents that you will need to speak with your tenants.

What to know

You will need to have three documents with you:

  • Tenants Notification and Agreement (also called Appendix A of the application)
  • Renovate Right
  • List of Participating Tenants (also called Appendix B of the application)

What to do

Prepare enough copies for the master and subtenants that are in each unit.  (For example, if there are four distinct families living in your single-family dwelling unit, you will need to speak with a representative from each of the four families and get their signatures.)

Print the following two documents for each family:

Print out one copy for the entire building:

If you do not have a printer and would like hard copies of the three documents sent to you, contact Fix Lead SF at or by phone at 415-252-3882. Please specify the languages and the number of copies needed.

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Fix Lead SF