Open Data Program - Performance Metrics

Performance metrics for the DataSF Open Data Program

Inventory & Publishing

Under the City and County of San Francisco's Administrative Code Chapter 22D, DataSF is responsible for maintaining an inventory of all data managed by city departments. Each department submits its list of datasets to DataSF. This process also tracks when datasets are published to the public on the Open Data Portal. The dashboard below represents the current state of the inventory.

Data notes and sources

This dashboard was generated using information from the annual data inventory, a process outlined by Chapter 22D in the Administrative code. The dashbaoard updates weekly.

The year and quarter of publication is based on the creation date of the dataset -- when the draft was first created on the portal. This is not the date the dataset was made public, which may be days, weeks, or in some cases months after the draft was created. Because of this, the most recent quarter will undercount publishing progress.

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Dataset Usage

DataSF receives anonymized and aggregated usage data for the Open Data Portal. This usage data consists of web page views, dataset downloads, and API calls. A summary of this data is provided below.

Data notes and sources

This dashboard was generated using information from the DataSF Open Data Portal. The raw data can be downloaded from the Public Dataset Access and Usage dataset. The dataset recalculates and refreshes daily.

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