California Children's Services (CCS) San Francisco

CCS is a statewide program that serves children and youth under 21 years old with certain medical conditions.

CCS programs

CCS has two main programs:

  1. Medical case management to help children with certain conditions get medical care, and
  2. The Medical Therapy Program (MTP), which provides physical therapy (PT) and occupational therapy (OT)

Medical case management

Our team of Medical Consultants, Nurse Case Managers, Eligibility Workers, Clerks, a Dental Hygienist, a Biller, and a Social Worker help with:

  • Eligibility for our program
  • Choosing the right doctors
  • Understanding medical information
  • Referrals
  • Transition to adult care

We help children with certain conditions to get the special medical care they need. This may include helping to pay for doctors, hospitals, tests, and equipment that are not paid for by Medi-Cal or private insurance.

Medical therapy program

The Medical Therapy Program (MTP) provides physical and occupational therapy (PT and OT) to children with certain conditions. The MTP does not provide speech therapy. Families play the biggest part in a child's therapy. We will work with you and your child to create individual goals and a therapy plan to work toward those goals.

Therapy goals may include helping your child with getting around and skills for daily life.

MTP staff may also assist you in obtaining necessary medical equipment. 

We provide PT and OT at 3 locations in the City.

There is no income requirement for the CCS Medical Therapy Program and therapy is provided without charge to families.

How to qualify for CCS

A child or youth can get San Francisco CCS services if they meet these 4 requirements:

  1. Birth to age 21
  2. Live in San Francisco
  3. Have a chronic, disabling, or life threatening medical condition that is a CCS eligible medical condition.
  4. Income*
    1. Full-scope or Share-of-cost Medi-Cal (Apply for Medi-Cal), or
    2. Families with adjusted gross income (AGI) under $40,000, or
    3. Families with AGI over $40,000 may be eligible if their out of pocket costs for the eligible condition are expected to exceed 20% of AGI

      *There is no income requirement for the CCS Medical Therapy Program

Note: Children/youth can be eligible for CCS and other programs like the Regional Center at the same time

How to apply

  • Your doctor may send in a referral
  • You may also fill out the CCS application (English CCS application/Spanish CCS application) yourself and send it to our office, by fax, by mail, or in person.
    • Address: California Children's Services, 333 Valencia Street 4th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103
    • Fax: (628) 217-6701
  • You may also call (628) 217-6700 for more information.


There are no CCS fees for children who have Medi-Cal.

Contact us

Please contact us with any questions by calling (628) 217-6700.

Local resources

Anthem Blue Cross

Golden Gate Regional Center - Helps children and adults with certain developmental disabilities to get therapy and resources.

San Francisco Health Plan

Support For Families of Children With Disabilities - Family Resource Center in San Francisco

Women, Infants & Children (WIC) - Get nutrition education, breastfeeding support, a WIC card to purchase healthy foods, and referrals to healthcare and community services.


Last updated April 17, 2024