Women, Infants, & Children (WIC) Supplemental Nutrition Program

WIC ppt

Contact Us to Enroll!

Get nutrition education, breastfeeding support, a WIC card to purchase healthy foods, and referrals to healthcare and community services.Contact Us!

About WIC

Services provided by WIC

WIC offers helpful information and resources to help you and your family live a healthy life. Learn more about our services!

Do I qualify

Learn if you or your children qualify for WIC and what to bring to your 1st WIC appointment.

Hours and locations

WIC has 4 clinic locations in San Francisco. Find one closest to you!

Breastfeeding services

WIC provides you with personalized support to get breastfeeding off to a good start and to help you reach your breastfeeding goals.

Healthcare providers

WIC counts on health care providers to refer WIC-eligible families and also to refer WIC families for breastfeeding support. Learn how to best support families enroll and stay engaged with the WIC.

CalFresh for WIC families

You may automatically qualify for CalFresh food benefits and free diapers if you participate in WIC. Learn more on how to apply for CalFresh

WIC and You- We are in this together!

Resources for WIC families

The California WIC Card makes shopping fast and easy. Take a look at this instructional video to find out more.

Video en Español

Your California WIC card

WIC app

Shopping made easy with WIC App

Shopping for your WIC foods has never been more convenient!Learn More


The Women, Infants and Children (WIC) nutrition program helps individuals who are pregnant or just had a baby, and children up to age 5 eat well, be active, and stay healthy. WIC welcomes partners, grandparents, foster parents, or guardians who care for eligible children. WIC services are provided at no cost to you.

USDA/FNS Nondiscrimination Statement

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