Juvenile Probation Department Services

Learn about how our staff helps young people throughout the juvenile justice process.

Probation Services

Juvenile Deputy Probation Officers (DPOs) provide support and supervision to youth throughout the entire Juvenile Delinquency Court process:

  • We develop case plans that support young people to be successful
  • We refer youth and families to community-based services
  • We provide supervision to youth and young adults placed on probation
  • We report on youth progress to the Juvenile Delinquency Court
  • We build supportive relationships with young people and their families.

Deputy Probation Officers play an important role in the juvenile justice system. We screen all misdemeanor and felony arrests of young people under age 18 in San Francisco. We facilitate diversion from the juvenile justice system to services wherever appropriate. We conduct investigations and make recommendations to the Juvenile Delinquency Court. And, we support efforts to repay victims for losses through victim restitution.

Front door of Juvenile Probation administration building at 375 Woodside Avenue

Juvenile Justice Center: Juvenile Hall & Secure Youth Treatment Facility

Juvenile Justice Center Counselors provide services to youth and young adults securely housed in Juvenile Hall and the Secure Youth Treatment Facility 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

  • We supervise youth and young adults in Juvenile Hall and the Secure Youth Treatment Facility
  • We provide for daily needs, including meals and hygiene
  • We support participation in high school, college, and vocational programs
  • We coordinate access to positive youth development programs offered by community-based organizations
  • We support access to medical and behavioral health services
  • We support regular visits by family members
  • We ensure access to lawyers and other advocate services.

AB12-Extended Foster Care

AB12 Social Workers support former foster youth between the ages of 18 to 21, who were previously involved in the juvenile justice system in San Francisco. AB12 is a voluntary program that provides former foster youth with transitional housing or a stipend for living expenses until their 21st birthday. Licensed Social Workers help AB12 participants transition to adulthood successfully. 

We help with the following needs and services:

  • Housing
  • Mental health and substance abuse services
  • Credit reporting
  • Budgeting
  • Health education
  • Independent living skills.

We also connect AB12 participants to services in their community.

Contact Juvenile Probation

Get information about how to reach us and where to find us by visiting the Contact Juvenile Probation page.