Draw your premises diagram
As a cannabis business applying for a permit, you must submit a plan of your location with your application.
We will send your premises diagram to the San Francisco Police Department (SFPD).
See details about premises diagram requirements in Article 1609(b)(16)
Create a scaled diagram of your business
The diagram must:
- Be black and white
- Include all dimensions
- Have separate floors on different sheets of paper
- Label each floor, such as “basement”, “first floor”, “second floor”
- Tell us what each room will be used for
Identify boundaries for:
- The entire property
- Entrances
- Exits
- Temporary and permanent walls
- Rooms
- Common or shared entryways
- Limited access areas where cannabis will be stored
Show any locations for:
- Where cannabis waste will be securely stored
- Your fireproof safe, for all businesses except for testing labs
- All security cameras, numbered for identification
- Where security video recordings will be stored
- Areas shared with other cannabis businesses, such as hallways, lobbies, bathrooms, or break areas
- Cannabis processing areas
- Cannabis product packaging areas
- Composting areas
- Odor ventilation systems, including air filters
Describe where cannabis related activity will happen
For example:
- Infusion and extraction
- Storage
- Batch sampling
- Shipment loading or unloading
- Loading for deliveries
- Packaging and labeling
- Customer sales
- Cultivation
- Processing
Shared space
If you share a space with another cannabis business:
- Show entrances and walls for all businesses
If you share a space with a noncannabis business:
- Only include a premises diagram for your cannabis business
- Describe what the noncannabis business does
Extra requirements depending on what you do at your business
Storefront retail businesses must show a designated area for medical cannabis customer consultation.
Retail business with consumption permits must show the consumption lounge area.
Businesses that will do deliveries must show areas where:
- Cannabis products will be packed, taken to vehicles, and returned by the drivers
- Delivery vehicles will be parked at the premises while being loaded
Cultivation business premises diagrams must show:
- All roads and water crossings
- Canopy areas that will contain mature plants, (including square footage by individual plant and total area with shelving)
- Areas outside the canopy that will contain immature plants
- Where pesticides and other agricultural chemicals will be stored
- Where harvested cannabis will be stored
- Where mature cannabis plants will be bred for seeds
- Areas for research and development
- Lighting for the canopy areas, including locations and wattage
You must include a water management diagram, if you are diverting from a body of water. The water management diagram must show:
- Rain catchment systems
- Diversion points
- Pump locations
- Distribution systems
- Storage unit locations, types, and capacity
Nonvolatile manufacturing businesses sharing space with another manufacturer must show:
- Where cannabis products will be manufactured, stored, and processed by the business sharing your space