Learn more about the U.S. Navy's efforts to make the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard a cleaner and healthier place for residents and the environment. The U.S. Navy is working to remove and contain toxic materials that were left by historical industrial and radiological activities on the site.

Parcel A

Parcel A

In December 2004, the Navy transferred Parcel A (sub-divided into Parcels A-1 and A-2) to the City.  In November 2020, the EPA issued a memorandum that stated Parcel A is suitable for residential use (see here). 

To date, only land within Parcel A has been developed. The Navy's website has additional information on the cleanup and transfer of Parcel A here

Former Parcel B

Former Parcel B

(Installation Restoration Sites 07 and 18, Parcels B-1 and B-2)

Parcel B was formerly part of the industrial support areas at HPNS and was used for shipping, ship repair, training, barracks, and offices. Parcel B covers approximately 63 acres and in 2013 was subdivided into three areas – IR-07/18 (14 acres), Parcel B-1 (27 acres), and Parcel B-2 (22 acres). Refer to the list below for recent Navy documents concerning former Parcel B:

October 2023 - Parcel B-1 Building 123 Demolition and Soil Cleanup

October 2023 - Parcels B-2, C, and E Cleanup of Historical Petroleum Contamination at HPNS

December 2023 - Parcel B Radiological Object Recovery  

March 2024 - Parcel B, Bldg. 123 Demolition and Soil Cleanup, Truck Route and Dust Control, Dust and Air Monitoring, and Stormwater Management Fact Sheets 

Former Parcel C

Former Parcel C

(Parcels C and UC-2)

Parcel C was used almost exclusively for industrial purposes since the late 1800s and is the oldest portion of the Shipyard. The area was used for shipping, ship repair, and office and commercial activities. The Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory (NRDL) used portions of Parcel C. Parcel C covers approximately 78 acres and has been subdivided into two areas – Parcel C (74 acres) and UC-2 (4 acres). Refer to the list below for recent Navy documents concerning former Parcel C: 

September 2023, Parcel C Radiological Deck Marker Recovery 

October 2023, Parcels B-2, C, and E Cleanup of Historical Petroleum Contamination at HPNS 

Former Parcel D

Former Parcel D

(Parcels D-1, D-2, UC-1, and G)

Parcel D was formerly part of the industrial support area and was used for shipping, ship repair, and office and commercial activities. Portions of the parcel were used by the Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory (NRDL). Parcel D covers approximately 98 acres and has been subdivided into four areas – Parcel D-1 (49 acres), Parcel D-2 (5 acres), Parcel UC-1 (4 acres), and Parcel G (40 acres). 

Former Parcel E

Former Parcel E

(Parcels E, E-2, and UC-3)

Parcel E was used as an industrial support area where chlorinated solvents were released and were spent waste oil was stored. Shoreline areas of Parcel E were used to store construction and industrial materials, as well as to dispose of industrial waste and construction debris. The Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory (NRDL) conducted research activities within Parcel E. Parcel E covers approximately 186 areas and has been subdivided into three areas – Parcel E (128 acres), Parcel E-2 (47 acres), and Parcel UC-3 (11 acres). Refer to the list below for recent Navy documents concerning former Parcel E: 

October 2023 - Parcels B-2, C, and E Cleanup of Historical Petroleum Contamination at HPNS 

June 2024 - Parcel E-2, Elevated Landfill Gas Reading Fact Sheet