Apply for a Clipper Cove short-term anchorage permit

Get a permit to anchor your recreational vessels in Clipper Cover for up to 96 hours.

What to know



Short-term anchorage permit

You must apply for a Clipper Cove Anchorage Permit if your vessel is in Clipper Cove for more than 24 hours. The application takes about 5 minutes.

What to do

Apply for a short-term anchorage permit online

The online application form takes about 5 minutes. 

You need the following information to apply for your permit:

  • Vessel name
  • Vessel CF number or USCG Doc. number
  • Vessel type (for example, sailboat, cabin cruiser, catamaran)
  • Vessel owner/operator name
  • On-board contact phone #
  • Dates of Clipper Cove entry and exit - maximum length of stay is 4 days

Your permit is issued once you submit this information.  We will contact you if you are in violation or your permit is revoked or denied.  

Important anchorage permit information

Follow the Clipper Cove Special Use Area Rules and Regulations at all times.

  • Anchorage Permits are free
  • Anchorage Permits do not include Treasure Island Marina privileges  
  • We will revoke your permit if you violate the rules and regulations
  • Violators are subject to receive a Notice of Violation, an Administrative Citation and removal of the vessel from Clipper Cove at owner's expense
  • You cannot apply for another Anchorage Permit until 21 days after the current permit expires
  • We cannot issue anchorage permits to commercial vessels
  • You cannot operate commercial vessels in Clipper Cove without prior approval from TIDA
  • Vessels shall not remain anchored in Clipper Cove after permit expiration without approval
  • We may grant temporary extension of your permit if there is an imminent threat to life safety or property safety, or in the event of unsafe local weather conditions
  • You must submit written permit extension requests to TIDA before your permit expires


Get a slip for your vessel at treasure Island Marina

TI Marina phone: (415) 981-2416

Marina offers monthly slip rentals, short term guest docks and day-use amenities.  Amenities include showers, restrooms and pump-out facilities.  Day-Use fees apply.

Report an oil spill, chemical release or maritime security incident inside Clipper Cove

The US Coast Guard National Response Center hotline: 800-424-8802

Report an in-distress live stranded marine mammal (seal, sea lion, etc) on Clipper Cove Beach or in Clipper Cove

The Marine Mammal Center: 415-289-SEAL (7325)

Report a dead marine mammal carcass on Yerba Buena Island or Clipper Cove Beach

California Academy of Sciences Hotline: 415-379-5381

Vessel towing, battery jump, gas or other maritime assistance

TowBoatU.S. (formerly Vessel Assist): 877-422-9869 (24/7) - Costs and fees apply

Pay a Clipper Cove Administrative Citation fee


Supporting information

Special cases


Permits and permit applications will be revoked or denied if you or your vessel violate San Francisco Police Code Section 1.1 or the Clipper Cove Special Use Area Rules and Regulations.

Get help


Apply for a short-term anchorage permit by phone
The Anchorage Permit hotline is under repair. Please use the "Apply Now" button to the left to submit Anchorage Permit application. We apologize for any inconvenience and are working to remedy the issue soon.