Make your business entrance accessible

The Accessible Business Entrance (ABE) program ensures that San Francisco businesses welcome everybody.

Commercial property owners of public-serving businesses need to confirm that the primary entrances are accessible to people with disabilities.

Submit your checklist as soon as possible.

Follow the ABE process

1. Get your entrance inspected and submit a category checklist

Hire an access professional to submit a checklist as soon as you can. The first deadline has passed. There are no immediate penalties, but you will be subject to code enforcement processes in the future.


Tell us if you already made updates 


Tell us you have made your business entrance accessible if you have already done construction to follow the program.


You must tell us the Building Permit Application number for the project. 

2. Apply for your building permit

If you've already submitted your checklist and your entrance requires more complex, structural changes, you will need building permits. 


Apply for your building permit to perform the necessary work. You will likely need to fill out a Form 3/8


The deadline for completing the work required to make a business entrance accessible was September 29, 2023 but you can still achieve compliance by initiating the process today.


Check the Department of Public Works' Accessible Business Entrance Standards Plans and be sure to include the required information. Additional information is available in Public Works Order No: 200405.


In your permit application's project description (line 16), include:

  • "For compliance with the ABE program”

Please include your ABE number for each permit application. If you need to verify your ABE number, please email


Include your category checklist within your permit drawings.

If you need financial assistance, apply for a grant

See tax credits, deductions, grant programs and financing options to help pay for your business entrance improvements.

Get help

See us at the Permit Center

See us at the Permit Center

Department of Building Inspection

Technical Services Division
49 South Van Ness Avenue
Suite 500
San Francisco, CA 94103

Mon to Tue, 7:30 am to 11:30 am

Wed, 9:00 am to 11:30 am

Thu to Fri, 7:30 am to 11:30 am

View location on google maps

Contact us

Contact us

Technical Services Division



You may come across these terms throughout the ABE process:

  • Accessible business entrance: Free of steps, slopes, excessively heavy doors or other structural barriers, like entryways that are too narrow for a wheelchair or mobility scooter.
  • Access professional: a licensed architect, licensed engineer, or CASp who can check your business entrance for accessibility
  • Certified Access Specialist (CASp): a certified professional who specializes in construction-related accessibility standards
  • Place of non-public accommodation: a place that offers goods or services to the public either for free or for sale
  • Private club: a nonprofit organization with a selective membership process that excludes the general public from its activities
  • Religious organization: a place that is either owned by (or leased to) a religious organization that serves the public


The Accessible Business Entrance program ensures that San Francisco businesses welcome everybody.

It helps property owners follow accessibility laws so that people with disabilities can access goods and services.

If a building has a business that serves the public, the property owner must provide a main entrance that is accessible to people with disabilities.