About Community Health Equity and Promotion (CHEP)

A group of individuals posing for a picture
The San Francisco Department of Public Health's CHEP Branch empowers communities to create a healthier city. We work together to promote healthy habits, safe environments, and address public health concerns. By using data and collaborating closely, we strive for a city where everyone has equal access to health and well-being.

Our Programs

Black/African American Wellness

CHEP collaborates with the Office of Health Equity and Behavioral Health Services to empower communities through Black/African American Community Wellness and Health Initiative (BAACHWI). We work together to provide funding to community partners. These programs focus on promoting overall well-being by:

  • Encouraging physical activity
  • Helping people manage stress
  • Promoting healthy eating habits
  • Equipping individuals to advocate for their health needs


Learn more about BAACHWI here

Health Access Points

CHEP funds Health Access Points (HAPs) across San Francisco. These programs target specific communities like Latino, Black/African American, Asian and Pacific Islander, Transgender, Youth and Young Adults, and Gay Men and other MSM, as well as People Who Use Drugs.

  • HAPs function as a one-stop shop where people can access various health services in a single location. They offer support regardless of HIV, Hepatitis C, or Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) status. 

Learn more about HAPs and our services here

Community and Home Injury Prevention Program for Seniors (CHIPPS)

Our team helps older adults and people with disabilities stay safe at home.

Here’s what we do to help:

  • Give presentations about fall prevention.
  • Visit homes to check for safety hazards.
  • Help make small changes to homes to make them safe.


Learn more and request support here





Healthy Eating Active Living (HEAL)

We work on creating policies, changing systems, and educating both healthcare providers and individuals to create a community that prioritizes healthy living. By partnering with internal and external groups, we promote environments and programs that make healthy choices the natural option. We also play a key role supporting the Shape Up SF Coalition, an effort to make healthy living the easy choice for everyone.



Wellness Initiative for Sexual Health Equity and Safer Use (WISHES)

WISHES supports and funds programs, services, contracts, capacity building, and public health strategies for people who use drugs and/or are experiencing homelessness.


Learn more about WISHES and our priority areas here


Visit the Harm Reduction Training Institute webpage to learn more about future training opportunities. 


Youth United Through Health Education (YUTHE)

The YUTHE program’s goal is to lower rates of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among Black young people in Southeast San Francisco. We train other young people to reach out to African Americans aged 12-25 in affected neighborhoods. Our staff outreach workers give out condoms and lube and connect them to clinics that test for chlamydia and gonorrhea.


Learn more about YUTHE and our services here

Newcomers Heath Program

The Newcomers Health Program helps refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of trafficking get the healthcare they need. We connect participants with checkups, mental health services, and health classes. We also connect people with doctors and other social services, such as translation services and help getting vaccinated for school. The program works with many partners to provide these services.


Learn more about our services by visiting our page here

Tobacco Free Project

The Tobacco Free Project works to prevent smoking across the City. They lead educational campaigns, collaborate with communities to develop anti-smoking policies, and offer resources to help people quit. Through these efforts, they aim to create a healthier San Francisco with less tobacco use.


Learn more about the Tobacco Free Project here

Deemed Approved Uses Ordinance (DAO) and Alcohol Prevention

CHEP staff implements the DAO, an ordinance that helps ensure that alcohol sales occur in a manner that protects the health, safety, and welfare of SF residents and communities. 


If you are a business owner and would like to learn more and apply for the fee waiver for the H73 fee, click here