How it works
Learn & decide
Check our rules and fees to decide if you want to add an ADU.
Prepare plans
See our requirements to design an ADU to meet our rules.
Submit your ADU application online.
We will review your plans. Most ADU plans need changes.
Approve & start
You must have a job card to start construction.
ADU requirements
Check if you can add new Accessory Dwelling Units to your residential property
You may be able to add additional accessory dwelling units (ADUs), also known as granny flats, in-law units, cottages, or garage apartments to your existing or proposed building.
Check our street tree rules for your ADU
Your property must have 1 street tree per every 20 feet of frontage that borders the public right of way.
Post a notice for your ADU
For Local program ADUs, you must post a notice in your building at least 15 days before your submit your ADU application.
Design an ADU that meets City codes
Accessory dwelling units (ADU) must meet City requirements that keep buildings safe and neighborhoods livable.