Tobacco-Free Services
Tobacco-Free Services

Tobacco-Free Classes
Join our FREE classes to learn skills and connect with other peers to reduce or quit smoking. Classes are 7 weekly sessions and take place at multiple locations in San Francisco. Call 628-206-7668 or get more information here

FREE Quit Kits
San Francisco residents and service providers can request FREE SF Quit! Kits

Resources for San Francisco Providers
Learn more about provider resources from the San Francisco Tobacco Free Project and our partners. Download materials, learn about our curriculum, and sign up for a SF Provider newsletter

Kick It California
Want to talk to a Quit Coach one-on-one? Check out Kick It California where you can schedule a call, sign up for a text program, and find other resources.Kick It CAAbout
San Francisco Tobacco Free-Project
Office Hours
Monday to Friday: 9:00 AM - 5:00PM
25 Van Ness Avenue, 5th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94102
You can be tobacco-free! Want to change your smoking?
Call: (628) 206-7668