The Street Overdose Response Team


The Street Overdose Response Team

Saving lives
The Street Overdose Response Team provides care, resources, and support to people who experience an overdose.learn more
What do we know about overdose deaths?
• Overdose deaths are preventable.
• San Francisco is experiencing record numbers of drug overdose deaths, in part due to fentanyl.
• People who survive an overdose are at heightened risk for a future overdose.
• Homelessness, racism, poverty and trauma contribute to substance use and overdose risk.
• About half of the people who die from a drug overdose in San Francisco had prior contact with our emergency services.

What is the Street Overdose Response Team?
• The team launched in August 2021 as a collaboration between the San Francisco Department of Public Health and the San Francisco Fire Department.
• We respond to people immediately after an overdose, and again within 72-hours, to connect people to care and treatment.
• Support may include lifesaving naloxone, treatment medicine, supportive counseling and guidance getting substance use treatment, housing or shelter.
• The team includes a Community Paramedic, a Street Medicine Clinician, peer counselors and other specialists.
• The team operates citywide, 12 hours per day, 7 days per week.

What's next?
• Expanded staffing and hours to be able to have more coverage.
• Case list expansion to support more San Franciscans at the highest risk of overdose.
Street Overdose monthly updates
Ride along with the Street Overdose Response Team
Ride along with SF Fire and the Street Overdose Response Team