Street Crisis Response Team


Street Crisis Response Team

Help for behavioral health crises
A community health approach to people experiencing mental health and substance use crises in San FranciscoWhat is the Street Crisis Response Team?

An alternative to law enforcement
We know that people experiencing homelessness and mental health or substance use challenges need specialized care and support.
Our street crises teams have the unique expertise to respond to people in crisis and de-escalate disruptions in the community.
We avoid unnecessary use of police and costly hospital stays, and address the immediate needs of people experiencing homelessness.

A community paramedic, EMT, and peer or SFHOT specialist
A community paramedic and/or EMT assesses for medical and mental health emergencies and determines the client's most immediate needs.
A peer or SFHOT specialist with lived and/or proximate experience helps make the connection with clients to gain trust and move them to be open to care.
After the response call, the team transports clients to services, such as treatment and housing, and refers the client to follow up care and support.

Neighborhood based care and support
SCRT operates citywide, seven days a week, 24 hours a day.
Up to twelve teams that understand unique community characteristics and are responsive to the complex needs of individuals are in the field every day.
Two teams provide overnight coverage and fill in any gaps in needs.
Call 9-1-1 if you see someone in crisis and describe what you are seeing to our trained dispatchers.
Street Crisis Response Team
Street Crisis Monthly Updates
Downloadable files
This report details evaluation results for the Street Crisis Response Team (SCRT) pilot's first year of implementation.
Street Crisis Response Team responded to over 5,000 calls related to people suffering from mental health and substance use issues on San Francisco streets during the first year of operation.
Mental Health San Francisco, created through legislation (File No. 191148), calls for the development of a “Crisis Response Street Team."
Full legislation creating MentalHealthSF
July 2023 Update
Street Crisis Response Team
Introducing the Street Crisis Response Team
The Street Crisis Response Team is a collaboration between the San Francisco Department of Public Health, the San Francisco Fire Department, the Department of Emergency Management, HealthRight 360 and RAMS, Inc. Members of the news media may contact: