Racial Equity in Action

SF Public Health's updated plan

“Illustration” by Lyubov Ivanova

Racial Equity Action Plan

Hiring & Recruitment

Identify, attract, invest in and retain a diverse city workforce.

Retention & Promotion

Retaining a strong workforce means supporting our employees holistically and creating intentional ladders for promotion.

Discipline & Separation

Managerial practices, job expectations, and evaluations can create inequity - or help correct it.

Diverse & Equitable Leadership & Management

An equitable workplace starts with diverse leadership that has the skills to build an equity culture. 

Mobility & Professional Development

When all employees can reach their highest potential, the Department and the city benefit.

Organizational Culture of Inclusion & Belonging

Growing a diverse workforce is just the first step. Employees must feel welcomed and included at every stage of their employment.


Boards & Commissions

An equitable workforce starts with equitable decision-making.

Where we stand

2023-2024 Employee Engagement Survey

2023-2024 Employee Engagement Survey


  • 4,650 Responses
  • 62% Response Rate


  • Pride in job
  • Communications/Teamwork
  • Respect as an expectation

Areas of Improvement

  • Staffing and Stress
  • Lack of Career Advancement
  • Respect as a Reality

Actions to Improve

  • Hiring Efficiencies
  • Project POP
  • Respect Campaign

Our workforce has reported liking their jobs but experiencing stress and having unmet needs. Black/African American staff in particular are reporting negative experiences.

What we've done

Read our Annual Report to the Health Commission

Read our Annual Report to the Health Commission

Take a look at our annual report to the Health Commission to see what we've accomplished. 

Activities we implemented or expanded in response to the Employee Engagement Survey results.

What's next

What we still need to do

What we still need to do

These activities were deliberately established first in order to support the difficult work of implementation. We  are now working on creating and sustaining equitable programs, procedures and policies. 


The 2021-2023 Racial Equity Action Plan is a major part of that work, primarily focusing on workplace disparities.

We have made progress in normalizing racial equity among employees and leadership, as well as organizing groups and committees to sustainably support racial equity work.