Request to delay your hearing or mediation

Whether you are a tenant or landlord, you may delay a scheduled Rent Board hearing or mediation if you have "good cause".

What to do

1. Decide if you have good cause

You may not delay your hearing/mediation if the time is merely inconvenient. You must have good cause to delay it.

This may include:

  • An illness (of a party, lawyer, or witness)
  • Travel plans (scheduled before notice of the hearing/mediation date was received)
  • Other unforeseen circumstances or verified pre-arranged plans that cannot be changed
  • Emergencies that prevent you from appearing at the hearing/mediation

If you do not have good cause, the Rent Board will only approve your request for postponement if both the landlord and tenant agree to it.  

2. Gather supporting documents

You must support your request with documents showing you have good cause.

This may include:

  • Travel confirmation (showing date booked)
  • Medical appointment confirmation

3. Fill out a request form

Fill out a "Request for Postponement of Hearing" form.

Let us know on the form whether you are a tenant, landlord, or representative for either party. 

You will also need to tell us your:

  • Property address
  • Hearing date and time
  • Case number
  • Reason for postponement

Requests for postponement must be made in writing at the earliest date possible, with supporting documentation attached.

You should notify the other party that you are requesting a postponement. If they agree to your request, include that on the form.

4. Submit your form

Submit your completed form and supporting documentation as early as possible by emailing them to:



4. Submit your form

Bring your form and supporting documents to:

Rent Board

25 Van Ness Avenue
Suite #320
San Francisco, CA 94102

Mon to Fri, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm (closed holidays)

View location on google maps

Next steps

Before the scheduled hearing/mediation time, you will get an answer to your postponement request by phone or mail.

If we do not approve your request, you must show up during your scheduled hearing/mediation time.

Special cases

Last minute requests

Last minute requests

If there is an emergency and there is no time to submit a written request, call our counseling line at 415.252.4600.

Get help

Rent Board

25 Van Ness Avenue
Suite #320
San Francisco, CA 94102

Mon to Fri, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm (closed holidays)

View location on google maps


Rent Board counselor

Last updated January 11, 2023
