
August 4, 2023

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Department Disclosures

This report lists anything that the Mayor's office receives that is worth more than $100. These items come from outside of City government. The Office must use these items for official City business. The list is required by San Francisco Sunshine Ordinance, Administrative Code Section 67.29-6.

Source Date Item Estimated Value Financial Interest
Orange Photography
2565 3rd St, Ste. 215
San Francisco, CA 94107
7/17/18 Photography services
for official Mayoral
$500 None
Carlos Santana 7/31/18 Commemorative guitar
for display
$1,950 None
Michael Bloomberg
c/o Bloomberg L.P.
731 Lexington Avenue
New York, NY
9/13/18 Silver ruler
for display
$400 None
Mayor Stefania Proietti
Piazza del Comune
1 – 06081
Assisi, Italy
9/13/18 Embroidered pillow
for display
$450 None
Golden State Warriors
1011 Broadway
Oakland, CA
6/10/19 2018 NBA Championship
ring for display
$8,000 The Warriors will
play at the new Chase
Center arena
in San Francisco
San Francisco Special
Events Committee
601 Van Ness Ave.
Suite E240
San Francisco, CA
Funds contributed by
Thomas E. Horn,
Vice Chair, Special Events
12/19/19 Funding for
Staff Holiday Party
$3,800 None.
The San Francisco Special
Events Committee is
a 501(c)(3) nonprofit
 Thomas E. Horn is a
member of the War
Memorial Board of Trustees.
Bloomberg Associates
25 East 78th St
New York, NY
10/01/19 - 4/20/20 Pro bono consulting
services regarding
$30,240 None.
Bloomberg Associates
is a 501(c)(3)
nonprofit organization.
Carlos Santana
Universal Tone Mgmt.
5 Mitchell Blvd
San Rafael, CA
10/25/21 Commemorative guitar
for display
$1,500 None
San Francisco Special Events Committee 11/15/23 Funding to allow various City officers and employees to represent San Francisco and provide staffing support at the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) International Leaders Welcome Reception $52,704 None. The San Francisco Special Events Committee is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
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Event Disclosures

Any time the Mayor performs an official role at an event, and receives free admission to that event, that information is publicly reported here. Click here to view

A set of rules that Mayor’s Office staff must follow.  This includes rules about additional, non-City employment, and outside volunteer activities. Click here to view

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Gift to Agency Disclosure

When the Office of the Mayor receives funding that is used by staff for official agency purposes, that information is publicly reported. Click here to view

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