Prepare for your Director’s Hearing for a code violation
If you have not resolved the violations in your Notice of Violation, you will be summoned this hearing.
What to do
1. Refer to your Notice of Director's Hearing
If you have not demonstrated a good faith effort to fix a building or housing code violation, we will post a Notice of Director’s Hearing on your building. You will also get the notice by certified mail.
Your notice will include the date and time of your hearing. You can send a representative if you cannot attend.
The Director’s Hearing is an opportunity for you to explain why the violations are not merited or document the progress you have made in addressing the violations. If you do not attend or send a representative, we will make a determination about your case without your input.
2. Gather documents
Your notice will include a list of documents you need to bring to the hearing.
3. Provide information to DBI three business days before the hearing
If we do not get this information in time, you will need to present your documents at the hearing yourself.
We will need:
- Complaint number associated with your Notice of Violation
- Property address
- Your name (or the name of your representative if you cannot attend)
- Your phone number (or your representative’s phone number if you cannot attend)
- If you or your representative will need a translator
- Documents related to the violation
You can also give us the information in person:
Suite 400
San Francisco, CA 94103
4. Attend the hearing
Cases are listed on the meeting agenda in the order they will be heard. Arrive on time so you don't lose the opportunity to present your case.
When your case is called:
- DBI staff will give a presentation about the violation.
- The Hearing Officer will ask for testimony from the property owner or owner's representative, building occupants, and the public.
- Testimony will involve swearing in, presenting evidence, and then asking and answering questions.
Supporting information
Special cases
Rescheduling your Director’s Hearing
Your Notice of Director’s Hearing will contain information about how to request a 30-day continuance if you need to reschedule.
Identify your assigned inspector, complete the form, and email the form to
After you testify
The Hearing Officer may decide to:
- Issue a Director’s Order of Abatement to the owner to address outstanding code violations
- Give you up to 30 days to resolve your violations (also known as taking the case under advisement)
- Refer your case back to DBI for good cause because you are making progress toward resolving your violation
- Give you a one-time continuance of up to 30 days if you’re in the process of getting a permit
- Dismiss and close your case
If the case results in a Director’s Order of Abatement, we will send the order to the property owner by certified mail within 30 days of the hearing.
Get help
Code Enforcement Section
dbi.codeenforcement@sfgov.orgPartner agencies
What to do
1. Refer to your Notice of Director's Hearing
If you have not demonstrated a good faith effort to fix a building or housing code violation, we will post a Notice of Director’s Hearing on your building. You will also get the notice by certified mail.
Your notice will include the date and time of your hearing. You can send a representative if you cannot attend.
The Director’s Hearing is an opportunity for you to explain why the violations are not merited or document the progress you have made in addressing the violations. If you do not attend or send a representative, we will make a determination about your case without your input.
2. Gather documents
Your notice will include a list of documents you need to bring to the hearing.
3. Provide information to DBI three business days before the hearing
If we do not get this information in time, you will need to present your documents at the hearing yourself.
We will need:
- Complaint number associated with your Notice of Violation
- Property address
- Your name (or the name of your representative if you cannot attend)
- Your phone number (or your representative’s phone number if you cannot attend)
- If you or your representative will need a translator
- Documents related to the violation
You can also give us the information in person:
Suite 400
San Francisco, CA 94103
4. Attend the hearing
Cases are listed on the meeting agenda in the order they will be heard. Arrive on time so you don't lose the opportunity to present your case.
When your case is called:
- DBI staff will give a presentation about the violation.
- The Hearing Officer will ask for testimony from the property owner or owner's representative, building occupants, and the public.
- Testimony will involve swearing in, presenting evidence, and then asking and answering questions.
Supporting information
Special cases
Rescheduling your Director’s Hearing
Your Notice of Director’s Hearing will contain information about how to request a 30-day continuance if you need to reschedule.
Identify your assigned inspector, complete the form, and email the form to
After you testify
The Hearing Officer may decide to:
- Issue a Director’s Order of Abatement to the owner to address outstanding code violations
- Give you up to 30 days to resolve your violations (also known as taking the case under advisement)
- Refer your case back to DBI for good cause because you are making progress toward resolving your violation
- Give you a one-time continuance of up to 30 days if you’re in the process of getting a permit
- Dismiss and close your case
If the case results in a Director’s Order of Abatement, we will send the order to the property owner by certified mail within 30 days of the hearing.
Get help
Code Enforcement Section