Nutrition Equity Opportunity & Physical Activity (SF NEOP)


Nutrition Equity Opportunity & Physical Activity (SF NEOP)

Nutrition Equity Opportunity & Physical Activity (NEOP)
Learn about projects that promote healthy eating, physical activity, and nutrition security among low-income San Franciscans. Read about our work changing policies, systems, and the environment (PSE) to prevent chronic disease and address health disparities.Our Current Projects
Intentional Walk
An equity-driven, community-informed walking program that uses a free walking app to promote physical activity among low-income San Franciscans.
In partnership with:
- San Francisco Giants
- California Department of Public Health
- Local nonprofit organizations, including Code for San Francisco
Healthy Retail
Support Healthy Retail SF in creating a healthier retail environment. Working to make it easier to find healthier snacks and beverages in local corner stores.
Rec & Park Wellness Policy
Create and roll out wellness guidelines in Rec & Park afterschool and summer camp programs. Supporting youth health and wellbeing.
Ongoing Activities & Partnerships
San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD)
Support more opportunities for nutrition education and physical activity in schools. SFUSD conducts the Impact/Outcome Evaluation (IOE) to measure changes in eating and physical activity among youth.
Children's Council
Partner with early childhood organizations to promote:
- Healthy food and beverages
- Physical activity
- Screen time reduction
In collaboration with the Children’s Council Healthy Apple Program.
Nutrition Education
Host educational activities to support healthy eating and physical activity. Take part in Rethink Your Drink campaign.
Free Nutrition and Physical Activity Education Materials
Contact Us
Program Staff
Christopher Chau, DrPH, MPH, MS, RDN, CPT
Project Director
Danielle Lundstrom, MPH, RDN
Project Lead
Luana Mears, RDN
Public Health Nutritionist
Suite 250
San Francisco, CA 94103
This material was funded by USDA's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - SNAP. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.