A detailed agenda will be published next week.
Friday, June 21, 2024 (1 pm - 4 pm)
Item 1: Integrating Disability, Access, and Functional Needs into the City’s Emergency Planning
Item 2: Next Steps in Implementation of Electric Wheelchair Charging Stations Report
Additional Meeting Information:
Public participation is welcomed and encouraged. Your comments help shape future agenda items.
Detailed agendas for each month, including specific instructions for following the MDC meeting and participating in public comment, are sent via this distribution and posted seven days in advance.
MDC meetings are broadcast on SFGov.TV cable stations 26 and 78, and may be viewed online at https://sfgovtv.org/.
Captioning and sign language interpretation provided.
The Mayor’s Office on Disability Director’s Reports to the Mayor’s Disability Council can be found in the resources section of the MOD Home page.
Members of the public who do not have access to the internet may contact:
Mayor’s Office on Disability
1455 Market Street, 8th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94103
415.554.0670 Office
Email: mod@sfgov.org