New voters

Learn how to register and vote as a first-time voter.

Supporting information

New San Franciscans

If you move to San Francisco, you must register to vote to get a ballot. View ways to register to vote. If you move within San Francisco, be sure to update your registration.

New U.S. Citizens

Congratulations on becoming a United States citizen! You can register to vote at your naturalization ceremony or at a later time. View ways to register to vote.

16 or 17-year-olds

Although you cannot vote until you are 18, you can pre-register to vote now. On your 18th birthday, we will activate your voter record and send you a confirmation letter. View ways to register to vote.

College students

If you attend college in one county and live in another, you can register to vote in either. Remember, you can only vote in one place! After you leave college, you can only register where you live. View ways to register to vote.

Registration deadline

The voter registration deadline is 15 days before Election Day. But this deadline is for online and mail applications. If you miss the deadline and want to vote in the next election, you can still do so in person at the City Hall Voting Center or a polling place.

Get help


1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
City Hall, Room 48
San Francisco, CA 94102


Fax: 415-554-7344 TTY: 415-554-4386 中文: 415-554-4367 Español: 415-554-4366 Filipino: 415-554-4310

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