July 25, 2024 Privacy and Surveillance Advisory Board Meeting

Thursday, July 25, 2024

In this page:


    To view the online presentation, join the meeting using this link:


    Members of the public may use email address coit.staff@sfgov.org to join the WebEx meeting if needed.

    If you wish to offer public comment, call in to phone number 415-655-0001 using access code 2662 942 9019. If prompted, enter the code COIT (2648 when dialing from a video system).


    1. Call to Order by Chair
    2. Roll Call

      Mike Makstman – Chair, Interim City Chief Information Officer, Executive Director, Department of Technology 

      Guy Clarke – IT Governance Director, San Francisco International Airport 

      Mikela Clemmons – Technical Director, Digital Services 

      Jane Gong – Deputy Chief Digital Services Officer, Digital and Data Services 

      Tania Jogesh – Senior Data Scientist, Digital and Data Services 

      Molly Peterson – Contract Reform Manager, Office of the City Administrator 

      Georg Wolfl – IT Audit Manager, Controller’s Office 

    3. General Public Comment

      This item is to allow members of the public an opportunity to comment generally on matters within the Board’s purview but not on today’s agenda.

    4. Approval of Meeting Minutes from June 27, 2024 (Action Item)
    5. Department Updates & Announcements
    6. Surveillance Technology Policy Amendments Review: Social Media Monitoring Technology (Action Item)

      Section 19B of the City & County of San Francisco’s Administrative Code requires all departments with surveillance technologies to develop a Surveillance Impact Report and Surveillance Technology Policy for their ongoing authorized use. 

      The following department will be presenting amendments to the multidepartmental policy for the ongoing use of: 

      • Fine Arts Museum: Social Media Monitoring Software Multidepartmental Amendments 
    7. Surveillance Technology Policy Review: Location Management Technology (Action Item)

      The following department will be presenting its policy for the ongoing use of: 

      • Police Department: Electroinc Location Tracking Devices
    8. Adjournment

    Date & Time

    Thursday, July 25, 2024
    1:30 pm to 3:30 pm

    City Hall Meeting Room 305

    1 Dr Carlton B Goodlett Pl
    Room 305
    San Francisco, CA 94102
    View location on google maps


    Meeting will be broadcast online via WebEx Webinar.

    Sunshine Ordinance

    Sunshine Ordinance

    San Francisco Administrative Code §67.9(a)   Agendas of meetings and any other documents on file with the clerk of the policy body, when intended for distribution to all, or a majority of all, of the members of a policy body in connection with a matter anticipated for discussion or consideration at a public meeting shall be made available to the public. To the extent possible, such documents shall also be made available through the policy body's Internet site. However, this disclosure need not include any material exempt from public disclosure under this ordinance.

    Last updated July 22, 2024