You are not alone. Reach out for help if your partner or someone in your life is:
- Putting you down
- Hurting you
- Threatening you
- Making you feel afraid
In the event of a life-threatening emergency, please call 911
If it is not safe for you to call 911, you can text 911.
Gender-based violence
Gender-based violence includes but is not limited to: domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, and human trafficking. It impacts all genders, cultures, and socioeconomic statuses. This page has two sections: local nonprofit resources and a list of City and County of San Francisco agencies that support survivors of gender-based violence. (Updated February 2024)
Local nonprofit resources
This list of local nonprofit resources is organized by: survivors served, services offered, language accessibility, and contact information. Organization staff may use a translation service to provide services in languages other than English. Please let the organization know your preferred language. Visit organization websites or contact the organizations directly for more information.
APA Family Support Services
- Survivors served: Domestic violence (DV), intimate partner violence (IPV)
- Services offered: Case management, support groups, workshops, outreach events
- Language accessibility: Chinese, Lao, Thai, Mien, Cambodian, Vietnamese, Samoan, Tagalog
- Contact information: 415-617-0061
Asian Pacific Islander Legal Outreach
Asian Pacific Islander Legal Outreach
- Survivors served: Domestic violence (DV), sexual assault, human trafficking, senior/elder abuse, immigration, housing and anti-AAPI hate
- Services offered: Legal services, prevention and education
- Language accessibility: Spanish, Filipino, Chinese, Cantonese, Mandarin, Toishanese, Japanese, Korean, Tagalog, Vietnamese
- Contact information: 415-567-6255 (San Francisco) or 510-251-2846 (Oakland)
Asian Women's Shelter
- Survivors served: Domestic violence (DV), intimate partner violence (IPV), human trafficking (HT)
- Services offered: Crisis line, emergency shelter service, case management for non-shelter survivors, transitional housing services
- Language accessibility: Spanish, Filipino, Chinese, Arabic, Russian
- Contact information: 24-Hour Crisis Line 1-877-751-0880
Bay Area Legal Aid
- Survivors served: Domestic violence (DV), intimate partner violence (IPV), sexual assault, human trafficking, childhood sexual assault (CSA)
- Services offered: Legal services
- Language accessibility: Spanish, Filipino, Chinese, Arabic, Russian
- Contact information: 415-982-1300, or a referral from another provider, or office walk in (1800 Market Street, 3rd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94102)
Black Women Revolt Against Domestic Violence
Black Women Revolt Against Domestic Violence
- Survivors served: Domestic violence (DV), intimate partner violence (IPV)
- Services offered: Case management, education, legal assistance, safety planning, youth DV prevention services
- Language accessibility: Currently does not have languages spoken other than English
- Contact information: 888-260-1498 or
- Survivors served: Domestic violence (DV), intimate partner violence (IPV), sexual harassment, sexual assault, harassment or assault based on gender identity/expression/assumption (i.e. transphobia), discrimination based on gender identity/expression; services are for UCSF affiliates including students, staff, faculty, post-docs, and researchers
- Services offered: Advocacy, accompaniment, workplace and academic accommodations, healing services
- Language accessibility: Spanish
Contact information: 415-502-8802 or
Community Youth Center of San Francisco - Young Asian Women Against Violence
Community Youth Center of San Francisco - Young Asian Women Against Violence
- Survivors served: Domestic violence (DV), intimate partner violence (IPV), sexual harassment, sexual assault, human trafficking, childhood sexual assault (CSA), harassment or assault based on gender identity/expression/assumption (i.e. transphobia), discrimination based on gender identity/expression
- Services offered: Education, leadership development (for high school youth), therapy services, and case management
- Language accessibility: Chinese
Contact information: 415-775-2636 or
Donaldina Cameron House
- Survivors served: Domestic violence (DV), intimate partner violence (IPV)
- Services offered: Social services, case management, counseling, and support group.
- Language accessibility: Chinese
- Contact information: 415-781-0401
El/La Para TransLatinas
- Survivors served: Domestic violence (DV), intimate partner violence (IPV), sexual harassment, sexual assault, human trafficking, childhood sexual assault (CSA), harassment or assault based on gender identity/expression/assumption (i.e. transphobia), discrimination based on gender identity/expression, xenophobia/immigrant-based harassment and discrimination
- Services offered: Case management (connection to emergency services, shelter, etc.), safety planning, violence prevention workshops and outreach, safe space
- Language accessibility: Spanish
- Contact information: Pauly Ruiz, Violence Prevention Peer Case Manager: or via Facebook Messenger:
Freedom Forward's HYPE Center
- Survivors served: Human trafficking
- Services offered: Drop-in resources (clothing, shower, laundry, food, computer lab), mental health counseling, housing access point, career development, leadership development, holistic wellness, legal clinics, group workshops, safe space
- Language accessibility: English is our primary language; some staff are also Spanish speaking but not for all services
- Contact information: 415-525-4438
GLIDE Foundation - Women's Center
GLIDE Foundation - Women's Center
- Survivors served: Domestic violence (DV), intimate partner violence (IPV), sexual harassment, sexual assault, human trafficking, harassment or assault based on gender identity/expression/assumption (i.e. transphobia), discrimination based on gender identity/expression
- Services offered: One-on-one counseling case management, linkage and navigation to community resources, gender-based violence survivor groups, transgender support groups, community outreach, integrated services (e.g., housing, harm reduction, family and parent resources, health access, etc.)
- Language accessibility: Spanish, Chinese
Contact information: Terrie Kendrix 415-674-6258 and Ileana Montano 415-674-6161
Horizons Unlimited of San Francisco, Inc. - Females Against Violence Program
Horizons Unlimited of San Francisco, Inc. - Females Against Violence Program
- Survivors served: Domestic violence (DV), intimate partner violence (IPV), sexual harassment, sexual assault, human trafficking, childhood sexual assault (CSA), harassment or assault based on gender identity/expression/assumption (i.e. transphobia), discrimination based on gender identity/expression
- Services offered: Youth leadership, education and empowerment services, safety planning, 1-on-1 support, GBV campaign/project development
- Language accessibility: Spanish
- Contact information: 415-487-6700 or
Huckleberry Advocacy and Response Team (HART)
Huckleberry Advocacy and Response Team (HART)
- Survivors served: Human trafficking
- Services offered: Case management, safety planning, advocacy, crisis response, prevention groups, basic needs support, linkage to health services and shelter
- Language accessibility: Spanish
- Contact information: 415-264-7620
In Defense of Prostitute Women's Safety Project
In Defense of Prostitute Women's Safety Project
- Survivors served: intimate partner violence (IPV), sexual assault, harassment or assault based on gender identity/expression/assumption (i.e. transphobia), discrimination based on gender identity/expression
- Services offered: Public advocacy, violence prevention, including education and training, community public awareness on violence against sex workers
- Language accessibility: Spanish, Chinese
- Contact information: 415-626-4114 or
Jewish Family and Children's Services
Jewish Family and Children's Services
- Survivors served: Domestic violence (DV), intimate partner violence (IPV)
- Services offered: Intensive case management toward self-sufficiency
- Language accessibility: Russian
- Contact information: 415-449-1212
La Casa De Las Madres
- Survivors served: Intimate partner violence (IPV)
- Services offered: Emergency services, hotline, safety planning, shelter.
- Language accessibility: Spanish
- Contact information: Crisis line 877-503-1850
Love Never Fails
- Survivors served: Domestic violence (DV), intimate partner violence (IPV), sexual assault, human trafficking
- Services offered: Outreach, education, housing, community engagement center, prayer hotline
- Language accessibility: Spanish
- Contact information: 844-249-2698 or visit the website and fill out the intake form
San Francisco Bar Association
- Survivors served: Domestic violence (DV), intimate partner violence (IPV), human trafficking
- Services offered: Legal services: divorce, custody, visitation, child and spousal support, restraining orders.
- Language accessibility: Spanish, Chinese, Russian
- Contact information: 415-989-1616
San Francisco City College
- Survivors served: Domestic violence (DV), intimate partner violence (IPV), sexual harassment, sexual assault, survivors of all types in the CCSF community
- Services offered: Leadership and professional development; events and community-building; paid campus peer education jobs; a 16-unit Sexual Health Educator Certificate; resources and referrals for survivors in the CCSF community
- Language accessibility: Services and instruction are in English, but classroom presentations and handouts/curricula are offered in Spanish and Chinese
- Contact information: 415-239-3899
San Francisco SafeHouse
- Survivors served: Domestic violence (DV), sexual assault, human trafficking, sexual exploitation, adult women
- Services offered: Transitional and rapid rehousing, emergency hotel vouchers, case management, support groups, drop-in services, basic needs supplies, and a wide array of other services
- Language accessibility: Spanish, Filipino, Chinese, Arabic, Russian
- Contact information: 415-643-7861 or
San Francisco Women Against Rape (SFWAR)
San Francisco Women Against Rape (SFWAR)
- Survivors served: Intimate partner violence (IPV), sexual harassment, sexual assault, childhood sexual assault (CSA)
- Services offered: Crisis hotline, medical accompaniment, legal accompaniment, survivor advocacy, counseling, support groups.
- Language accessibility: Spanish, Chinese, Hindi, Punjabi
- Contact information: Crisis hotline 415-647-7273 or business line 415-861-2024
St. Vincent de Paul Society of San Francisco - Riley Center
St. Vincent de Paul Society of San Francisco - Riley Center
- Survivors served: Domestic violence (DV), intimate partner violence (IPV)
- Services offered: 24/7 crisis hotline; emergency shelter; advocacy and case management; transition housing program; emergency housing vouchers; urgent accommodation vouchers
- Language accessibility: Spanish
- Contact information: Crisis Line 415-255-0165
UCSF Trauma Recovery Center
- Survivors served: Domestic violence (DV), intimate partner violence (IPV), sexual harassment, sexual assault, human trafficking, harassment or assault based on gender identity/expression/assumption (i.e. transphobia), senior/elder abuse, discrimination based on gender identity/expression, any survivor of a violent crime within the last 12 months
- Services offered: Outpatient trauma-focused therapy and clinical case management
- Language accessibility: Spanish, and Portuguese in-house; any other language via interpreter
- Contact information: 415-437-3000
UCSF - Rape Treatment Center & the Child and Adolescent Support Center (CASAC)
UCSF - Rape Treatment Center & the Child and Adolescent Support Center (CASAC)
- Survivors served: Sexual harassment, Sexual assault, Human trafficking, CSA (Childhood Sexual Assault), Harassment or Assault based on gender identity/expression/assumption (i.e. transphobia), child witness to IPV in their homes; child witness to significant community violence
- Services offered: Behavioral Health - Individual and Family Therapy; Case Management; Psychiatry, court accompaniment for minor witnesses, community education on trauma and sexual abuse. Must have San Francisco County Medi-cal to qualify for services
- Language accessibility: Spanish and Vietnamese currently, all languages available with hospital interpretorsith
- Contact information: 628-206-8386
W.O.M.A.N., Inc.
- Survivors served: Survivors of domestic violence and their supportive networks; oftentimes their experiences with DV intersect with other forms of violence.
- Services offered: 24-hour domestic violence confidential support line; counseling, stay safer planning, and resources/referrals
- Language accessibility: Languages other than English and Spanish are accessed via MLAM or outside interpretation services.
- Contact information: 877-384-3578
Young Women’s Freedom Center
- Survivors served: Human trafficking, harassment or assault based on gender identity/expression/assumption (i.e. transphobia), discrimination based on gender identity/expression
- Services offered: workshops, Freedom Circles and Young Mother Unite, healing and wellness groups, and peer-to-peer support. empowerment groups.
- Language accessibility: Primarily English-speaking clients but have Spanish language capability as well.
- Contact information: 415-703-8800 or
City and County of San Francisco Government Agencies
Below is a list of City and County of San Francisco government agencies that assist survivors of gender-based violence: