Cleanup at the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard

We are committed to fostering a healthy environment that supports the health of the Bayview- Hunters Point community. The Hunters Point Naval Shipyard, a former active U.S. Naval base, is undergoing a multi-year cleanup of toxic materials to protect the community and environment. Follow this page for updates.

“Bayview” by Shutterstock

Stay safe, healthy, and informed

Hunters Point Naval Shipyard
“Hunters Point Naval Shipyard” by Todd Lappin

Get cleanup updates

We provide current information on the Navy's efforts to clean-up and restore the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard. Read our cleanup status updates to find out the progress of the cleanup on each parcel at the Shipyard. 

Fifth Five-Year Review of Shipyard Cleanup (2024)


The Navy is required to complete a Five-Year Review (FYR) to evaluate if its cleanup solutions are protective of human health and the environment.  The FYR Report reviews how effective the Navy's selected remedies have been at each parcel and identifies potential sea level rise effects on the cleanup. The public comment period on the draft Fifth Five Year Review (FYR) Report closed on June 18, 2024, and the Navy is planning to issue the final version of the report in late July 2024. 


Learn more about the FYR process and how the public can participate here

Doctor standing with sitting patient at Maxine Health Center

Learn how to protect your health

Your health and safety is our primary concern. We will provide health-related information as a resource to the public to take health protective actions. If you need medical services or have questions about your health, please contact your health care provider. 


Read our health and safety information to learn how to protect your health during the cleanup of the Shipyard. 

Woman on cell phone

Get connected

The Navy has an outreach program to give updates and information to community members. You can contact the Navy by calling the Shipyard Info Line at (415) 295-4742 or emailing


Learn more about the Navy’s outreach efforts here


Here are some ways to get connected to what’s happening at the Shipyard: 

  • Attend Hunters Point Shipyard Citizen’s Advisory Committee (CAC) meetings. At the Environmental & Reuse Subcommittee meetings, the Navy and regulators give presentations on cleanup activities and hear public comment. Learn more about upcoming meetings here
  • Learn more about the status of cleanup activities from the Navy by calling (415) 295-4742 or emailing
  • Meet with Dr. Kathryn Higley, the Navy’s Community Technical Liaison for Radiological Health and Safety, by calling (541) 737-0675 or emailing