Housing Inventory Paper Forms

What to know


Property owners are strongly encouraged to use the Rent Board's web Portal to submit information about their unit(s). However, paper forms are available below.

Note that submission of paper forms may cause delays in processing your information and submission of an incomplete (or unreadable) form may prevent us from accepting or processing your form.

What to do


The paper forms provided below can be filled out online or printed and completed by hand. Forms are also available at our office.  

A separate form must be submitted for each residential unit at your property.

If you have questions or need assistance completing a form, please call the 311 Customer Service Center by dialing 3-1-1 or 415-701-2311 (from outside the 415 area code).

Please complete the form in full. Submission of an incomplete (or unreadable) form may prevent us from processing your form. Contact information for the owner or the owner's agent must be provided.

Download the form

There are separate Housing Inventory forms for different occupancy types, depending on whether the unit is currently:

  1. occupied exclusively by an owner of the property;
  2. occupied by a “non-owner” of the property (e.g. tenant, family member, guest); or
  3. vacant

A separate form must be submitted for each residential unit at your property.

Submit your form

Completed forms may be emailed to with the subject heading: "Housing Inventory Submission Form(s)". Please provide contact information in your email so that we may reach you if we have questions concerning your submission.

Alternatively, completed forms may be mailed or dropped off at our office.

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