Guide to hosting temporary events and pop-ups
Guide to hosting temporary events and pop-ups

Get started
This page will help you understand the steps to hosting a temporary event or pop-up in San Francisco. It is a resource from the Office of Small Business, San Francisco's central point of information for small businesses.Office of Small BusinessChoose a location
Before you confirm an event location, talk with community stakeholders about what you plan to do and why. Getting support from the surrounding neighborhood (merchant groups, neighbors, cultural district leaders, etc.) prior to the event is important.
Identify a commercial property for your event and get permission to use it from the property owner.
For an event on public park property, find out about guidelines through SF Parks and Recreation.
For an event at a Pier or the Ferry Building, find out more about holding special events at the Port of San Francisco.
If the event involves a street closure or a sidewalk closure (use of extensive sidewalk; not the sidewalk fronting a single commercial storefront), find out about Street and Sidewalk Closures
To operate a temporary use (including outdoor pop-up activities such as street food; arts and entertainment with temporary outdoor structures; a COVID-19 Relief and Recovery Use) in a commercial space, the commercial space must have the appropriate designated use (e.g. a place permitted for entertainment could host music).
If the designated use (zoning) of the commercial space does not match the temporary event use under the Planning Code, a Temporary Use Authorization is required from the Planning Department. A Temporary Use Authorization may permit a particular use for a period of time ranging from 1 day to 2 years. Note that "pop up" retail is limited to 60 days under a Temporary Use Authorization.
A pop-up comedy act (entertainment use) in a vacant retail storefront (retail use) would require a Temporary Use Authorization because the storefront is not designated as an entertainment use.
A band playing (entertainment use) in an art gallery (arts use) would require a Temporary Use Authorization because the art gallery is not designated as an entertainment use.
A cupcake pop-up that wants to serve in a restaurant would not require a Temporary Use Authorization because the restaurant is already designated as a food establishment. (The cupcake pop-up would still need health permits).
The commercial space can be vacant. If the commercial space is not vacant, it must be occupied by a legally established commercial use. The property owner (or the event host acting as the property owner’s agent) of that space must apply for the Temporary Use Authorization.
If your event will have more than 49 people, the San Francisco Fire Department will require a Place of Assembly Permit and a Fire Watch may need to be hired for event.
Check with the property owner to confirm if the space already includes this permit. If not, apply through the San Francisco Fire Department.
If the space already has a Place of Assembly Permit, confirm that the occupancy load is adequate for your event. If your event will exceed the occupancy load, you’ll need to contact the San Francisco Fire Department.
Consider what will happen at your event
Certain activities may require different permits from various departments, including, but not limited to: Fire, Public Health, Entertainment Commission, and SFMTA.
Will you have live entertainment indoors? (ex: a band, DJ, comedy act, fashion show)
Will you have entertainment/amplified sound outdoors? (ex: band playing in a parklet) You can get an Entertainment Permit to host up to 23 one-time outdoor events per calendar year. If you plan to host 24 or more events, you will need to have a hearing at the Entertainment Commission in order to get your permits.
Will you have a food truck catering the event, outside, on public property? (Note: this does not permit cash transactions in the public right-of-way; the food truck is for event participants only)
Are you putting objects out on your sidewalk? You’ll need to check with the Department of Public Works to ensure accessibility, and SFFD to ensure emergency access.
If food is sold or served at the event, (i.e. an art gallery, retail store, etc.), you will need additional permits from the Department of Public Health. Read an overview of food at temporary events.
Submit your permit application at least 14 days prior to the event.
Even if food vendors already have Mobile Food Facility (MFF) permits, they need to complete a Concessionaire application for each specific event they attend to be submitted by the event sponsor.
If food vendors cook with LP-G propane, butane, or open flame at the event, the event sponsor will need to complete a SFFD sponsor application and an Event Sponsor Acknowledgement Receipt 14 days prior to the event and serve as the point of contact with SFFD. The event sponsor will coordinate an on-site fire inspection on the day of the event.
Each food vendor utilizing LP-G propane, butane, or open flame at the event must complete a Vendor Acknowledgement Receipt.
Reminder: Any food vendor/truck associated with an event that serves food in the public right of way (sidewalk in front of the space, for example) cannot vend to the public during an event. Event participants would need to utilize tokens/tickets for food.
If alcoholic beverages are sold or served at the event, permits from the CA Dept. of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) are necessary. Learn more about ABC licenses. You will also need a permit from the Police District Station where the event is located.
If your event includes the use of LP-G propane or butane, open flame, flammable/combustible liquids, air-inflated structure, or a large tent (over 400 sq. Ft), you will also need an operational permit from the San Francisco Fire Department.
Each regulated activity or operation requires a separate fire permit application and permit fee
Special events may also require a Supplemental Application for Special Events and an Event Sponsor Acknowledgement Receipt from the San Francisco Fire Department.
Prepare your space
If the event space requires any construction, inspectors from the SF Department of Building Inspection (DBI) and the Fire Department will need to review the space.
Visit the Permit Center at 49 South Van Ness (Permit Center) or email to get assistance with scheduling an inspection.
If you need a temporary “No Parking” or “No Stopping” zone, SFMTA provides temporary tow-away signs for use during special events.
Check with SF Environment for detailed information on holding zero-waste events.