Green filming
Green filming

Be environmentally friendly when shooting a production in SF
Tips and resources to minimize your production’s environmental impact.Tips and resources
Resources are only for reference. A business being on this list does not imply an endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by Film SF.
SF Environment provides guidance on rules and resources for zero waste including training, consultations, and a checklist.
Art department
- Use low-VOC paints and sealants with a Green Seal certification
- Use recycled paints
- Use leftover paint as primer on new sets
- Recycle or properly dispose of leftover paint
- Donate old props and set dressings to schools and non-profits
Props/Set Dressings can be donated to:
- SCRAP - Scroungers' Center for Reusable Art Parts
- TMAX - Theatre Materials Exchange, an online resource to donate and receive theatre related materials and equipment
Catering and craft services
- Provide reusable bottles, plates, cups and cutlery or use biodegradable plates and cups
- Prominently display and label recycling bins and compost bins
- Label garbage cans “landfill” so users will think twice
- Refill and reuse your water bottle
- Avoid Styrofoam and plastic
- Serve organic and locally-grown food
- Donate leftover food
Food can be donated to:
- San Francisco Food Bank - Picks up nonperishable food donations
- Food Runners - Picks up excess perishable and prepared food for use in homeless shelters
Production office
- Stock chlorine-free toilet paper, paper towels, and tissues
- Use cleaning agents low in VOC’s
- Stock paper products with post-consumer recycled content
- Set printing and copying devices defaults to double sided printing
- Recycle all paper
- Buy green office supplies
- Use florescent lamps low in mercury
- Buy bulk snacks instead of individually wrapped snacks
- Use a water cooler in place of bottled water
- Institute an “office mug” policy instead of providing disposable cups
- Recycle cans, bottles toner cartridges and batteries
- Recycle electronics
- Sell or donate usable electronics supplies and furniture
- Find out where to recycle or properly dispose of E-waste, lightbulbs, batteries and other hazardous materials
- Turn off and unplug electronics at the end of each day