File an appeal of a permit or decision

Appeal many San Francisco permits, determinations, and decisions with the Board of Appeals.

What to know

Time limit

Consistent with Assembly Bill 1114, effective January 1, 2024, the Board of Appeals will not accept jurisdiction of appeals of post-entitlement phase permits for housing development projects pursuant to Government Code Section 65913.3(c)(3). The restrictions for AB 1114 do not apply to a permit filed before January 1, 2024. To determine if a permit is subject to the restrictions set forth in AB 1114, please contact Board staff at or 628-652-1150.

In most cases appeals must be filed within either 10 or 15 calendar days after the permit or decision was issued. Decisions by the Zoning Administrator (except for variances, rear yard modifications and reasonable modification decisions) must be appealed within 30 days of issuance.

What to do


You must file an appeal within either 10, 15 or 30 days of the date the permit or determination was issued. 

You can appeal some permits and determinations, but not all.

If you have a copy of the permit or decision when you call, we can answer your questions more quickly. We can help you get the permit if you do not have it.

Email or call the Board Office to confirm the deadline to file your appeal.

You have 15 calendar days to file an appeal for: 

  • Building permits (with some exceptions)
  • Tree removal orders
  • Tobacco permits

You have 10 days to file an appeal for:

  • Variances, Rear Yard Modification and Reasonable Modification decisions
  • Some building permits for an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) issued pursuant to the State ADU program
  • Certain types of permits issued by the Entertainment Commission

You have 30 calendar days to file an appeal for:

  • Any written decision by the Zoning Administrator (excluding Variance, Rear Yard, and Reasonable Modification decisions which must be appealed within 10 days of issuance). For e.g. Notices of Violations, Letters of Determination or Request for Suspensions  
  • Determinations made by the Historic Preservation Commission such as a Certificate of Appropriateness or construction permits for significant or contributory buildings or buildings in conservation districts  

Documents you need

You must submit a copy of the departmental action being appealed, such as the permit or variance decision. We can help you get this if you do not have it.

You must submit a preliminary statement giving the reasons or grounds for the appeal and what action is being requested of the Board (you will have an opportunity to expand on your statement when you submit your brief).

  • This statement may be short (a few sentences), however, it can be no longer than one-page (double-spaced, minimum 12-point font).
  • Your statement may not contain exhibits.

You (the appellant) may have someone else, like an agent or attorney, file an appeal for you. If someone files an appeal on your behalf, submit a written statement or email giving them authorization to file for you. 

File an appeal

You can file an appeal by email or phone. If you file by phone we can talk to you about deadlines and the documents you need. 

File by email 

Make sure you have the documents you need for your appeal.

File by phone

Make an appointment by calling 628-652-1150

If you want to file in person, email or call for an appointment. We are open Monday through Friday from 8 am to 4:30 pm.


Appeals usually cost:

  • Building permits $175
  • Planning Department decisions $600
  • Most other permits or orders $300

The Board will confirm the cost of your appeal when you file. 

After you file the appeal, you will be given an appeal number.  You can enter this number at the following link Confirm Account | Board of Appeals | City and County of San Francisco ( and pay for the appeal via credit card or check.

You can also mail a check, made payable to the Board of Appeals, to:

Board of Appeals
49 South Van Ness Avenue
Suite 1475
San Francisco, CA 94103

All fees are due at the time the appeal is filed. Fees must be paid and are non-refundable even if the appeal is withdrawn or if the permit/determination is canceled.

Waiver of Filing Fees

If you are experiencing financial challenges, you may qualify for a waiver of the filing fees. Please review and complete the Fee Waiver Form and email it to for approval.

Supporting information

Special cases

Building permits with 10-day deadline

  • Permits issued for certain types of Accessory Dwelling Units subject to the State-mandated ADU laws 
  • Permit decisions made pursuant to Planning Code Section 343 (Central SOMA Housing Sustainability District)

Withdrawing your appeal

If you change your mind and need to withdraw an appeal, you will need to submit a withdrawal form. 

Once you withdraw an appeal, it cannot be reinstated. Talk to a Board staff member to find out what that means to your appeal before you submit the withdrawal form.

If you are sure you want to withdraw your appeal, fill out and sign the form. 

Filing fees will not be refunded if an appeal is withdrawn.

Email to:

What if you miss the deadline for filing an appeal?

In very limited circumstances, the Board will hear appeals after the filing deadline has passed.

You must ask the Board to take jurisdiction over the permit or determination by making a  Jurisdiction Request. In order to get your request granted, you must show that the City intentionally or inadvertently caused you to be late in filing the appeal.

Please contact the Board Office to learn more at or 628-652-1150.

Get help


Monday to Friday, 8 am to 5 pm If you want to talk to staff in person, you need an appointment.