Housing Stability Fund Oversight Board
Providing recommendations and advising on policies for housing stability as part of the General Fund budget allocations.
Past meetings
The Housing Stability Fund Oversight Board (HSFOB) provides recommendations to the Mayor's Office of Housing and Community Development on the use of the Housing Stability Fund. The Board of Supervisors appoints ten members and the Director of the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development appoints one member from MOHCD.
View past years' recommendations
Past reportsPeople
Seat Number: Name / Email
Seat 1: vacant
Seat 2: vacant
Seat 3: vacant (holdover member: Gen Fujioka / Gen.Fujioka@sfgov.org)
Seat 4: Edward Parillon / eparillon@gmail.com
Seat 5: vacant (holdover member: Fernando Martí / Fernando.Marti@sfgov.org)
Seat 6: John Baranski / John.Baranski@sfgov.org
Seat 7: vacant (holdover member: Shanti Singh (chair) / Shanti.Singh@sfgov.org)
Seat 8: vacant
Seat 9: Lydia Ely / Lydia.Ely@sfgov.org
Seat 10: vacant (holdover member: Alex Lantsberg / Alex.Lantsberg@sfgov.org)
Seat 11: vacant (holdover member: Hans How / hhow@newislandcap.com)
Kyra Geithman
Request public records
Email sunshinemohcd@sfgov.org to submit a request.