Equity Training

General and specialized trainings on race, racism and health equity.

Equity Learning Series

What to Expect

  • Virtual 4-5x/month
  • 1 hour in length
  • Articles, videos, and stories with discussion guides
  • Small and large group discussions


  • To normalize conversations about race
  • To create a shared understanding/vocabulary
  • To help staff see their own role in addressing inequity
  • To develop ways that Health Equity can be incorporated into DPH practices

Email Khari Marshall at khari.marshall@sfdph.org to receive the BAAHI Blast Newsletter with links to ELS!

General Trainings

Web-based trainings available on Staff Employee Portal

  • Introduction to Health Equity
  • Introduction to Implicit Bias

Specialized Trainings

Racial Equity Champions

Equity Champions engage in trainings, program and skill development to shift workplace culture and advance equity in their work.