Youth Services During COVID 19

Young person calling their provider for a telephone visit

Youth! Get free & confidential health services during COVID-19!

We're still here for you! Call one of the numbers below if you need sexual healthcare, counseling, and/or help with housing, food, and safety concerns. IMPORTANT! If your call goes to voicemail, make sure to leave your name and a confidential phone number or email so that staff can contact you!

Where to Call for Youth Services

Icon of a clip board

Sexual Health & Gender Care

  • New Generation Health Center
    and Dimensions Clinic
  • Teen Clinic at MNHC
    (Mission Neighborhood Health Center) 
  • 6M Pediatric Clinic @ZSFG
    During the weekend, for urgent needs (ages 12-21)
Icon for phone counseling

Counseling & Safety

Icon with a House and an Apple

Housing and Food

Health Services and Info FAQs

"We are nothing if not each other. Care for one another. Love one another. The human species is a resilient one. We will get through this together." ~ Samuel Getachew in "High Schoolers Cope with The Coronavirus Shutdown"

Getting Health Care

1. Do I need to leave the house?  

  • You can get many services over the phone (birth control counseling, morning after pill).
  • You may need to be seen in person for some services, like an STD test.
  • When you call, a staff member will tell you if whether or not you will need to come in.

2. Are services still confidential?

  • Yes, you can still get confidential counseling and sexual healthcare. 
  • If you need confidentiality, make sure to find a place where no one can overhear you when you call.

3. What about health insurance / cost?  

  • Many programs cover the cost of health services.
  • There are programs to help if you have insurance but need confidentiality. 
  • If your Family PACT has expired, we can recertify you over the phone.
  • Call New Generation Health Center at 415-502-8336 and we can help you to figure out what you might be eligible for.

Sex During COVID-19

1. Can COVID 19 be spread during sex? 

  • COVID-19 is not an STD, but you can get it from close physical contact (6 feet or less) with someone who has it.
  • COVID-19 can be easily spread by kissing. 
  • COVID-19 may be spread through feces (poop).
  • At this time, we don’t know if semen or vaginal fluid can spread COVID-19.

2. How can I stay safe if I do have sex? 

  • Masturbating by yourself is safe.
  • Have sex only with people who are close to you, either someone you live with or a partner you know well. Hooking up is not considered safe at this time.
  • Don’t have sex If you or your partner is sick, or might have been exposed to COVID-19. 
  • The following may help reduce the risk of transmitting COVID-19 during sex:
    • Condoms & dental dams
    • Handwashing with soap and water for 20 seconds before and after sex

3. Where can I learn more about safer sex during COVID-19?

  • See this document from the New York City Department of Public Health

4. How can I get tested?

  • You can get tested in SF for free if: 
    • You have symptoms of COVID 19; 
    • Have had contact with someone with COVID 19;
    • Are considered an essential worker (e.g., food or health services)
  • Schedule an appointment online.
  • If you have health insurance, you can also contact your healthcare provider.
  • For more info, go to

Stress, Isolation & Depression

If you have been experiencing increased stress, isolation, or depression during COVID-19, you are not alone. Here are some tips for coping during COVID-19:

  • Practice self-care. Find healthy ways to relax and unwind, like enjoying a hobby or spending time outside.
  • Use the buddy system. Have someone you can express your emotions to.
  • Be a friend: Call and check how loved ones are doing. If you can, FaceTime or video chat.
  • Keep your mind occupied. Find ways to not get stuck on fear, anger, or worry.
  • Maintain your health. Try to eat right, get fresh air, stay hydrated, and get some physical activity, even if it’s just walking around your block, yard, or living room.
  • Stay informed, but not 24/7. Checking the news nonstop can make you more stressed. Make sure you get your info from reliable sources only.
  • Try mindfulness or meditation. There are many free apps to get you started, such as Smiling Mind App
  • Remember, you are not alone! Listen to this great public radio podcast by Samuel Getachew. It includes a section on challenging anti-Asian racism during the pandemic.

What if I need more help? 

  • Call one of the agencies listed at the top of this page. 
  • If you have a mental health emergency, call 911 or visit the nearest emergency room. 
  • If you are having thoughts about hurting yourself, reach out right away:
    • Call the San Francisco Crisis Line 24/7 at 415-781-0500 
    • Text MYLIFE to 741741

Credit: Adapted from Texas A&M Today

Safety at Home/In Relationships

1. What can I do if I don’t feel safe at home?  

  • Call Huckleberry Youth Programs 24-hour Teen Crisis Hotline at 415-621-2929. 
  • If you are thinking about hurting yourself, call or text the San Francisco Crisis Line 24/7 for confidential support. Call 415-781-0500 or text MYLIFE to 741741.

2. What if I’m not feeling safe sheltering with my partner?

  • Local resources to call: 
    • La Casa de las Madres: Adult Line 1-877-503-1850/Teen Line 1-877-923-0700/Text Line 1-415-200-3575 
    • Woman, Inc.: 877-384-3578 or 415-864-4722
    • Asian Women’s Shelter: 877-751-0880 
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline: 
  • For more information on relationship safety during shelter-in-place, visit the National Domestic Violence Hotline

Birth Control & Emergency Contraception

To obtain birth control or pregnancy counseling services, call one of the clinics listed at the top of the page under “Sexual Health/Gender Services” or call your primary care provider.

1. How can I get Plan B (the morning after pill)?

  • There are three different types of emergency contraception. 
  • Talk to a provider to get the most effective type for you.
  • If you can’t speak with a provider, get your own prescription at SF City Clinic's website.

2. How can I get birth control?

  • You can get the pill, patch, or ring by a phone appointment. 
  • You can pick up the pill, patch, ring, or condoms at a pharmacy or clinic. 
  • Once you have a prescription you can also ask to have these mailed to your home.
  • You will need to go into a clinic for the implant or IUD.
  • For the birth control shot, you will need to be seen at a clinic. You can also ask your provider about giving yourself the shot at home.

3. What should I do if my IUD/Nexplanon has expired?

  • Your provider can tell you if it might still be effective to leave it in longer.

4. How can I get free condoms?

STDs & Sexual Health

For sexual health services, please call one of the clinics listed at the top of the page or call your primary care provider, especially if you are having infection symptoms.  For info on STD symptoms, visit SF City Clinic's website.

1. How can I get an STD test?

  • If you have symptoms, call your clinic or health provider as soon as possible.
  • If a partner has told you they tested positive for an STD, you can get treatment after a phone visit. 
  • Right now, most clinics are not testing patients for STDs if they do not have symptoms. Call New Generation Health Center at 415-502-8336 if you ​think you need to be tested. 

2. How can I get PrEp?  

  • Call your clinic or health provider. Funding is available even without insurance.
  • If you are LGBTQI, Lavender Youth Recreation and Information Center has PrEp Navigation Services.  Email

3. Where can I get transgender hormone therapy? 

4.  How can I get free condoms?


1. I think I might be pregnant. What should I do?

  • First take an at-home pregnancy test. You can pick up a free test at New Generation Health Center, if needed.
  • If your home pregnancy test is positive, call your provider or clinic as soon as possible.
  • All options are still available during COVID-19, including abortion or prenatal care.
  • Your provider can discuss all your options with you over the phone.
  • Clinic staff can help you get insurance coverage, including confidential services.

Everything's Canceled: Coping Tips Straight from a Psychologist

This Above the Noise video from KQED answers the question, "How do you deal with so much uncertainty in the time of COVID-19, when the coronavirus is messing up every aspect of society?"

Young Woman Wearing Mask - Photo Credit: ID 182677272 @Theupperclouds |

An Appeal To Fellow Youth To Face Coronavirus

Youth can get and spread COVID-19. But, I can protect you and you can protect me. Read this 20-something's request to her peers asking youth to take the lead in protecting themselves, their families, and friends from COVID-19. From National Public Radio.Read the article!


This web campaign to inform youth about services available to them during the COVID-19 pandemic is a collaboration between the San Francisco Unified School District Health Programs Office, UCSF/New Generation Health Center, San Francisco Health Network’s Family Planning Program, and the San Francisco Department of Public Health’s Community Health Programs for Youth. For more information or to provide feedback, contact or