Comply with water conservation requirements

Replace old plumbing fixtures when selling, remodeling, or getting permits to make improvements to your home.

What to know

Conservation requirements

In all residential, multi-family, and commercial properties:

  • All showerheads must not exceed a maximum flow rate of 2.5 gallons per minute (gpm)
  • All faucets and faucet aerators must not exceed a maximum flow rate of 2.2 gpm
  • All toilets must not exceed a maximum flow rate of 1.28 gallons per flush (gpf)
  • Urinals (for commercial buildings) must not exceed a maximum flow rate of 1.0 gpf
  • All water leaks have been repaired

Ordinance requirements

According to the Residential Conservation Ordinance, building are required to meet water conservation standards.


Building owners must repair plumbing leaks and replace inefficient plumbing fixtures before selling, remodeling, or doing improvement work.


If you do not follow the Ordinance, you could be cited.

What to do

1. Schedule an inspection before you sell or remodel your home

Contact a qualified DBI-certified private Residential Energy and Water Inspector to perform the inspection. They will check your home for compliance with Chapter 12A of the SF Housing Code.

2. Complete any needed plumbing upgrades

You can get free water-saving devices from SFPUC, including free toilets.

3. Work with your home inspector to document the upgrades before you sell

You are required to get a Certificate of Completion documenting compliance with water conservation requirements:

  • Before transfer of title, if you are selling
  • At the time property alterations or improvements are performed, if you are remodeling or making improvements

Get help


Housing Inspection Services628-652-3700


Jose Lopez, senior housing inspector