Check your property’s environmental information

Your property’s physical conditions will affect documents and geotechnical report requirements for the project.

What to do

Find your property’s environmental information

Check in the Property Information Map (PIM). 

Search with your address or block and lot numbers.

Look in the Environmental Information section.

Check for:

  • Slope of greater than 20% or 25%
  • Geotechnical risk like landslides and liquefaction
  • Soil and groundwater contamination (Cortese and Maher ordinances)
  • Other physical conditions like excess air pollution, archeological areas, and flood zones

Email for additional information on any physical conditions listed for your property.

If you are on a Hunters Point Naval Shipyard Parcel

If your project will disturb any soil on a Hunters Point Shipyard Parcel, apply to the Article 31 Program.

If you are in a Maher area

If your project will excavate 50 cubic yards or more, apply to the Maher program.

If you are in a landslide or liquefaction area or have a slope more than 25%

Check if your project includes:

  • Construction of a new building or structure with more than 1,000 square feet of new projected roof area
  • Horizontal or vertical additions with more than 500 square feet of new projected roof area
  • Shoring
  • Underpinning
  • Grading, including excavation or fill, of over 50 cubic yards of earth materials

We may also review your project and decide it could have a substantial impact on the slope stability.

Comply with slope protection requirements for your building project.

Get a geotechnical report for certain projects

You will need a report from a geotechnical engineer if your project includes: 

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