Documents you need to request official building plans

Visit the Records Management Division in-person with these affidavits and letters.

You must bring these documents with you to apply for copies of official building plans.

The documents you need depend on the ownership of the building.


Building owner

Bring a copy of the Affidavit of the Building Owner. We also have copies in the office. We will ask you to sign this form in the presence of a staff member.

A copy of the recorded grant deed may be needed if the property was purchased recently.

Not the building owner

Get the Affidavit of the Building Owner notarized by the building owner. Bring it with you to the Department of Building Inspection when you request the building plans.

Business entity is owner

Company letterhead

You can provide a letter on the company letterhead. The letter should:

  • Be dated within 30 days
  • Be addressed to the Department of Building Inspection or Records Management Division
  • Contain the address of the building plans you are requesting
  • Contain name and title of the person signing the letter, specifying that they have the authority to sign on behalf of the property owner
  • Wet or original signature of the person signing the affidavit

See a sample letter.

Other documents if no letterhead available

If your company does not have a letterhead, you can provide other official documentation. Examples include corporation documents, company minutes, and Power of Attorney.

These documents should include

  • Company name
  • Person’s name on the affidavit
  • Person’s title such as managing member
  • Level of authorization specifying that they have the authority to sign on behalf of the property owner

Special building types

Condo or co-op with a homeowners' association (HOA)

Provide the following:

  1. Affidavit of the Building Owner, notarized by an HOA board member who is not the applicant.
  2. Proof that the HOA board member who signed is part of the HOA. You can provide official board minutes mentioning their name and title, or an official letter.

If you use a letter, it should:

  • Be dated within 30 days
  • Contain the HOA name or letterhead
  • Be addressed to the Department of Building Inspection or Records Management Division
  • Contain the address of the building plans you are requesting
  • Contain name and title of person signing the letter, specifying that they have the authority to sign on behalf of the HOA
  • Wet or original signature of the person signing the affidavit

See a sample condo or co-op letter.

Condo or co-op without an HOA

Get the Affidavit of the Building Owner printed and notarized by each owner.

Apartment or tenants in common (TIC)

Get the Affidavit of the Building Owner notarized by one of the property owners.


Have the branch manager write and sign a letter on official bank letterhead. The letter must authorize you to get copies of the bank’s building plan.

Government-owned buildings

The entity who hired you must provide a signed letter on official government letterhead. The letter must authorize you to get copies of the building plan.

Última actualización November 16, 2022