適用於學校、托兒場所和青少年計劃的 2019 新型冠狀病毒肺炎管理措施



關於如何在學校、托兒服務及兒童和青少年計劃中減少 2019 新型冠狀病毒肺炎的傳播,請參閱以下指引:

加州公共衛生局 (CDPH) 學校資源

加州公共衛生局 (CDPH) 托兒資源


三藩市公共衛生局 (SFDPH) 已不再針對學校、托兒服務及兒童和青少年計劃另外提供相關指引。請參閱上方內容,以了解加州公共衛生局 (CDPH) 就這些場所提供的指引。

由於新變種之新型冠狀病毒 (COVID) 的傳播力更強,SFDPH 已不再追蹤校園內的新型冠狀病毒個別病例。因為這並不是個有效的公共衛生策略。有鑑於此,現在將採用以下規定:



  • 2019 新型冠狀病毒肺炎緊急狀態結束後,社區護理牌照頒發科 (Community Care Licensing Division) 已恢復疫情前的一般牌照頒發申報要求。
  • 自 2023 年 3 月 1 日起,持有許可證的托兒場所不再需要根據 CDSS 指引,通報 2019 新型冠狀病毒肺炎的個別陽性病例。
  • 持有許可證的托兒場所必須繼續向當地許可證辦公室通報疫情爆發情況。


對於教育環境中的 COVID-19 爆發 (學生、青少年和工作人員) :

  • 針對以兒童和青少年為服務對象的學校、托兒場所和計劃,如果在 14 天內,所屬場所有 5% 以上人員 (至少 3 例,包括學生和員工) 回報 2019 新型冠狀病毒肺炎的確診病例時,則建議向 SFDPH 通報
  • Cal/OSHA 要求雇員感染人數因疫情爆發而達到 20 人以上時,即需進行通報。
  • 以兒童和青少年為服務對象的學校、托兒場所和計劃必須繼續遵守《勞動法》第 6409.6 條的其餘規定,通知在工作場所接觸到 2019 新型冠狀病毒肺炎患者的雇員。
  • 如要自主通報 2019 新型冠狀病毒肺炎疫情爆發情況,請使用 (SPOT)


如需深入了解如何使用學校疫情爆發追蹤入口網站 (SPOT) 系統,請參閱 SPOT 2.0 示範:SPOT 入口網站的變更,或請參閱 SPOT 2.0 摘要 

我們深知隱私與保密對學生及學校的重要性。SFDPH 不會公開分享特定學校是否有新型冠狀病毒的確診病例。為確保患者的隱私權與保密性,SFDPH 亦不會與非相關人士討論病例。

For information about licensing for childcare programs related to COVID-19:

Visit the California Department of Social Services


SFDPH no longer has separate local guidance for schools, childcare, and programs for children and youth. Please refer to above CDPH guidance for these settings.

Since new variants of COVID can spread more easily, SFDPH no longer tracks individual cases of COVID in schools. Instead, the following now applies:


For cases regarding children and youth

  • Following the end of the COVID-19 State of Emergency, the Community Care Licensing Division has resumed regular pre-pandemic licensing reporting requirements.
  • As of March 1, 2023, licensed childcare sites are no longer required to report individual positive cases of COVID-19 per CDSS guidance.
  • Licensed childcare sites must continue to report outbreaks to their Regional Licensing Office.


For COVID-19 outbreaks (students, youth, and staff) in educational settings:

  • Schools, childcare, and programs serving children and youth may report to SFDPH when at least 5% of their setting’s population (minimum 3 cases), including students and staff, have reported confirmed COVID-19 cases over a 14-day period.
  • Cal/OSHA requires reporting of employee outbreaks of 20 or more.
  • Schools, childcare, and programs serving children and youth must continue to comply with the rest of Labor Code 6409.6 by notifying employees exposed to COVID-19 in the workplace. 
  • To voluntarily report COVID-19 outbreaks, use (SPOT).


For more information on how to use the Schools Portal for Outbreak Tracking (SPOT) system, please view SPOT 2.0 Demo: Changes to the SPOT Portal or the Summary of SPOT 2.0 

The privacy and confidentiality of students and schools is important. SFDPH does not publicly share if there have been cases of COVID at a specific school site. SFDPH does not discuss cases with people who are not involved to ensure patient privacy and confidentiality.





最後更新 June 13, 2024