Voter outreach
We help local residents understand the voting process.
Year-round, our multilingual outreach team helps people learn about upcoming elections, how to register to vote, and the voting process.
We focus on reaching:
- People who speak languages other than English
- People with disabilities
- Those who are unhoused or housing insecure
- People involved with the justice system
- Young voters
Stay informed with our monthly Community Newsletter!
Get the latest updates, upcoming events, and important voting information!
January 2025 Edition – Read now!
Schedule an outreach event
We can provide presentations on topics such as:
- How to register to vote
- Your voting options – by mail, in person, and more
- Language support and translated materials
- Accessible voting services and tools
- How ranked-choice voting works
- Non-citizen voting in local Board of Education elections
- How to become a poll worker and serve your community
We can also host a resource table at your site, where our team will answer questions and help your community get election-ready.
To invite us, use our Event Request Form or call 415-554-5685. You can also check our Outreach Calendar for upcoming events.
Get outreach materials
You can use our Materials Request Form to order printed copies of these materials in English, Chinese, Filipino and Spanish. Some materials are also available in large print.) Starting in 2026, materials will also be available in Vietnamese.
- Vote in Your Preferred Language! (will be available in February 2025)
- San Francisco Elections: Safe and Secure Brochure
- Go Paperless! Go Green! Flyer
- Vote by Mail Flyer
- New Voting District Lines Card
- Pre-Registration Card
- No Fixed Address Voter Card
- Justice-Involved Voter Flyer
- Accessible Voting Flyer
- Ranked-Choice Voting Brochure
- Elections Worker Career Card
- Registration and Voting Guide for Non-Citizen Parents and Caregivers (Available in early 2026)
- Non-Citizen Voting in San Francisco Flyer (Available in early 2026)
- No Fixed Address Voter Card
- Justice-Involved Voter Flyer
- Accessible Voting Flyer
You can download a presentation on the election topic of your choice:
- General Presentation covering topics, including voter registration, translated materials and resources, accessibility options, and how you can stay connected with us year-round (will be available in February 2025)
- Voting with a Criminal History
- 2022 Voting District Map Changes
- Ranked-Choice Voting
- Accessible Voting Resources
- Voter Registration Drive Rules*
*After this presentation, attendees are invited to request copies of voter registration affidavits by completing a Statement of Distribution (PDF), Digest of Penalties for Improper Voter Registration Actions (PDF), Statement of Circulator’s Responsibilities and Liabilities (PDF).
Provide outreach feedback
Before each election, we invite the public to review and provide feedback on our outreach plans.
These plans are posted on this page about three months before the election.
Language Accessibility Advisory Committee
Our Language Accessibility Advisory Committee works to improve and expand access to voter resources and election services for residents who speak a primary language other than English. To join this group, visit the Join Advisory Committees page.
Outreach archive
Browse past presentations and materials here. (Available soon)