Behavioral Health Services Act resources
Learn more about the Behavioral Health Services Act (BHSA formerly known as MHSA) policies, resources, and reports.
Contact us
- For grievance and support on language services:
- For grievance and support on the Mental Health Services Act:
- For grievance and support on equity:
Policies and procedures
Every effort should be made to resolve the client issue or complaint as quickly as possible by the MHSA provider or MHSA manager. Every issue should be documented. A client can file a grievance through the county’s grievance process at any time.
Written policy and procedures on the County’s Community Program Planning Process including designated positions; staff training; stakeholder training; and client, client’s family, peer and stakeholder outreach and involvement.
Reports and publications
Update to the 2017-2022 Five-Year Workforce Development Strategic Plan outlining a process for the department to achieve their workforce development and retention goals.
The Transgender Pilot Project (TPP) aimed to increase access to mental health services and improve a sense of connectedness among transgender (trans) individuals, specifically trans women of color.
Social isolation was identified by the San Francisco Mental Health Services Act Innovations (INN) Planning Committee in 2011 as the number one priority concern for older adults living in San Francisco.
First Impressions provides job training and placement services to San Francisco residents over the age of 18 with a primary mental health diagnosis, and who are engaged in services within the BHS system of care.
Report on data collected per the new Prevention and Early Intervention Regulations dated October 2015. Several stakeholders convened a work group to discuss current evaluation strategies and create a data collection tool to collect the new demographics data. Outcomes for Fiscal Year 2016/2017.
In early 2017, SF MHSA hosted 11 community engagement meetings to listen to and document community members’ and community based organizations’ feedback regarding existing SF MHSA programming and to better understand the explicit needs of the community at large.
This report highlights San Francisco’s implementation of the Full Service Partnerships, a CSS service track intended to deliver a comprehensive array of services and supports to individuals with serious mental illness, or children with serious emotional disorders, who are new to the system or whose needs are not being met.
Annual plan updates
The San Francisco Annual Update of the Mental Health Services Act provides information and updates about our work conducted during Fiscal Year 2022-2023 and our proposed plans for Fiscal Year 2024-2025.
The San Francisco Three-Year Integrated Plan of the Mental Health Services Act for FY23/24 – FY25/26 provides a detailed plan to continue services under the aforementioned categories and provides program outcomes for MHSA services provided in FY22/23.
The San Francisco Annual Update of the Mental Health Services Act program provides information and updates our work conducted during Fiscal Year 2020-2021, some key updates from FY 2021-2022, and our proposed plans for FY 2022-2023.
Details program highlights and successes from FY2019-20 for SF DPH MHSA’s seven service categories, as well as our Mental Health Promotion and Early Intervention (MH PEI) Programs and Innovation (INN) Programs.
This report illustrates progress in transforming San Francisco’s public mental health system to date, as well as our planning efforts for programs moving forward.
Outlines outcomes achieved in fiscal year 17-18 and highlights program plans for fiscal year 19-20.
Outlines outcomes achieved in fiscal year 16-17 and highlights program plans for fiscal year 18-19.
This Three-year Plan (FY 17/18 – 19/20), continues to provide services under the aforementioned categories and explores innovative approaches to support consumers who are transitioning from high to low intensive levels of care.
This 2014-17 Integrated Plan reflects our commitment to the principles outlined in the MHSA and the progress we are making to actively engage clients, consumers, and families; to promote wellness, recovery, and resilience; and to implement integrated models of care.
In 2014-15, in collaboration with our countywide partners, we continued to make major strides in meeting our goals and working towards our priorities identified in our ongoing community-wide MHSA planning efforts.
This 2015-16 Annual Report reflects our commitment to the principles outlined in the MHSA and the progress we are making to actively engage clients, consumers, and families; to promote wellness, recovery, and resilience; and to implement integrated models of care.
This Annual Update reflects our commitment to the principles outlined in the MHSA and the progress we are making to actively engage clients, consumers, and families; to promote wellness, recovery, and resilience; and to implement integrated models of care.
This report describes the main accomplishments in each of the above core service categories during fiscal year 2010/2011 (FY 10/11).
The FY11-12 Annual Plan Update includes updates to the CSS, WET, PEI, INN and CFTN programs.
The FY10-11 Annual Plan Update was developed with upper management within Community Behavioral Health Services, taking into account the overall budget impact of the proposed Governor’s cut to the mental health system.
This report describes the main accomplishments in each of the above core service categories during fiscal year 2010/2011 (FY 10/11).
The FY09-10 Annual Update includes an additional outreach component to the full service partnerships for CYF, Adult, and Older Adult populations, to be awarded to nine agencies.
The City and County of San Francisco will continue to fund all programs and services implemented in Fiscal Year 2006-2007, the first year of operations for the Community Services and Supports component of the Mental Health Services Act.
Annual revenue and expenditure reports
Summary worksheets covering annual Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) revenue and expenses.
Summary worksheets covering annual Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) revenue and expenses.
Summary worksheets covering annual Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) revenue and expenses.
Summary worksheets covering annual Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) revenue and expenses.
Summary worksheets covering annual Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) revenue and expenses.
Summary worksheets covering annual Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) revenue and expenses.
Summary worksheets covering annual Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) revenue and expenses.
Summary worksheets covering annual Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) revenue and expenses.
Summary worksheets covering annual Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) revenue and expenses.
Summary worksheets covering annual Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) revenue and expenses.
Summary worksheets covering annual Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) revenue and expenses.