Budget Recommendations
Each year the Our City, Our Home Oversight Committee recommends spending priorities to the Mayor and Board of Supervisors.
2022 OCOH Investment Planning for FY22-23
Final summary of Our City, Our Home Fund budget for FY 2022-23 and FY2023-24 from the Mayor's Budget Office.
Final Our City, Our Home Fund budget detail for fiscal years 2022-23 and 2023-24.
The FY23 and FY24 OCOH Fund crosswalk of final budget to the Oversight Committee's recommendations.
Spending plan recommendations to the Board of Supervisors from the Our City, Our Home Oversight Committee on June 15, 2022.
A spreadsheet crosswalk of the OCOH Oversight Committee's spending recommendations and the Mayor's proposed budget (released 6/1/2022).
A memo from the Controller's Office to the Mayor's Office of Public Policy and Finance outlining the Our City, Our Home Oversight Committee's recommended investment plan.
A crosswalk of FY2022-2023 and FY2023-2024 Committee Spending Recommendations and City Budget Proposals.
OCOH Oversight Committee spending recommendations with redline changes made during the 5.6.2022 Special Meeting.
2021 OCOH Investment Planning for FY21-22
On June 30, 2021, the Board of Supervisors Budget and Appropriations Committee adopted a budget, which was approved by the full Board of Supervisors as of July 27, 2021. The Controller’s Office has prepared a Final OCOH FY21-22 and FY22-23 Budget and Investment Plan documenting the approved appropriations of the OCOH Fund in the new two-year budget. The first tab includes the fund balances and appropriations by category, and additional tabs document the investments in more detail.
View previously posted documents related to the City budget process here:
June 30, 2021 Comparison and Crosswalk
June 22, 2021 Comparison and Crosswalk
June 15, 2021 Comparison and Crosswalk
June 10, 2021 Comparison and Crosswalk
The Oversight Committee has engaged in a process to develop recommendations for the use of the Fund within the FY21-22 and FY22-23 City budget. The OCOH Investment Plan Final Report was approved on May 18, 2021.
The Committee issued an early version of these recommendations to the Mayor’s Office on May 6, 2021 via this memo. Subsequent changes to these recommendations are reflected in the comparison documents and crosswalks linked below.