San Francisco Refuse Rates (October 2024 - September 2025)

Establishment of Current Refuse Rates in San Francisco

On August 31, 2023, the Refuse Rate Board approved new rates for refuse collection and disposal in San Francisco for rate years beginning October 1, 2023 and October 1, 2024. While residential rates will not change on October 1, 2023, they were set increase by 1.33% on January 1, 2024 and by 2.55% on October 1, 2024. However, on September 30, 2024, the Refuse Rate Board voted to reduce rates for Rate Years 2024 and 2025 after Recology and the Refuse Rates Administrator identified errors in the prior dataset. In fall-winter 2024 a credit equivalent to 1.91% will be issued to all ratepayers billed between October 1, 2023 and December 31, 2023, and a credit equivalent to 3.24% will be issued to all ratepayers billed between January 1, 2024 and September 30, 2024. In addition, on October 1, 2024 San Francisco refuse rates have now decreased by 1.01% instead of an increase.

You may also access a rate calculator and information about low-income discounts at Recology's San Francisco website.

To learn how the rates were set, visit the Office Of The Refuse Rates Administrator or see the Refuse Rate Order for Rate Years 2024 and 2025.

Refuse Rates for 1-5 Unit Residential Buildings

Ratepayers will typically be billed on a quarterly basis, with the bill going to the service address unless otherwise specified with Recology. Costs will include the base charge for service, trash volume charge, recycling volume charge, compost volume charge, and any additional charges for distance, elevation, keys, or overflow material. All ratepayers must have simultaneous trash, recycling, and compost service.

Current Approved Residential Rate Sheet (PDF download)  (effective October 1, 2024 - September 30, 2025)

Extra Services Refuse Rates (October 1, 2024 - September 30, 2025) (PDF Download)

The "Per Dwelling Unit" charge applies to each individual residential unit. A single family home is one unit and would be charged $17.78. A duplex is two units and would be charged double ($35.56). Each additional dwelling unit increases the rate. Size offerings are based on a volumetric subscription service. The volume charge is in addition to the per dwelling unit charge and any additional applicable charges.

Description of Monthly Charge (Effective October 1, 2024 - September 30, 2025)Charge

Base Charge for Service

Per Dwelling Unit


Trash Volume Charge for Weekly Collection

For the base 16-gallons of cart service


For the base 16-gallons of cart service


For 32-gallons of cart service


For 64-gallons of cart service


For 96-gallons of cart service


Premium for each 32-gallons of cart service above 32 gallons/unit


Monthly Recycling or Composting Volume Charge for Weekly Collection

For each 32-gallons of cart service (default for organics)


For 64-gallons of cart service (default for recycling)


For 96-gallons of cart service (recycling only)


Distance, Elevation, and Key Charges

No extra charge for collection less than 25 feet from curb. 

Distance charge per cart for collection within each 25-foot increment thereafter,


No extra charge for collection less than 4 feet elevation change from street level. Elevation charge per cart for collection within each 8-foot increment thereafter.


Monthly charge for weekly access (per cart)


Refuse Rates for 6+ Unit Residential Apartments

Current Approved Rate Sheet For Apartments With 6+ Units (PDF download) (effective October 1, 2024 - September 30, 2025)

Extra Services Refuse Rates (October 1, 2024 - September 30, 2025) (PDF Download)

The "Per Dwelling Unit" charge applies to each individual apartment. An apartment complex with six units would be charged $35.10. Each additional dwelling unit increases the rate.

Volume charges are for each 32 gallons of service for each cart. Once service volume increases to the cubic yard, the charge is $177.96 per cubic yard of volume.

Description of Monthly Charge

Description of Monthly ChargeCharge

Monthly Base Charge for Service

Per Dwelling Unit


Volume Charges for Weekly Collection

Collection volume is charged equally for trash, recycling and compost. A landfill diversion discount equal to the diversion volume percentage less 25% is then subtracted. Diversion volume percentage equals recycling and organics volume divided by total volume.

For 32-gallons of cart service


For 64-gallons of cart service


For 96-gallons of cart service


1-cubic yard cart


Distance, Elevation, Access, & Special Service Charges

No extra charge for collection less than 50 feet from curb. Distance charge is 12.5% times volume charge (before diversion discount) for weekly collection within each 50-foot increment thereafter. Distance is from curb to farthest cart

No extra charge for collection less than 4 feet elevation change from street level. Elevation charge is 25% times volume charge (before diversion discount) for weekly collection from elevation changes within each 8-foot increment thereafter. Elevation is from street level to farthest cart.

Weekly access charge per cart


An extra charge of 50% times volume charge (before diversion discount) applies for each trap door (collector must lift a cover and pull carts up to street level), clearing of a disposal chute, rake-out (disposal chute without a cart) or cart located on a ledge one foot or more above floor.

Additional Provisions and Requirements for All Residential and Apartment Customers

Households with income less than or equal to 200% of the poverty level may qualify for 25% base and volume discounts. Nonprofit housing organizations may qualify for 10% discounts.

Distance, elevation and access charges are waived for customers with a permanent disability that pay for individual service and certify they are physically unable to place carts at the curb and no able-bodied persons live in their building. Customer must place carts in a location as accessible as possible for collection.

Residential and apartment rates apply to single and multi-family homes, flats, apartments, condominiums, tenancies in common, in- law units, lofts, live/work spaces (unless clearly commercial), single room occupancy hotels (with an apartment license) and low income housing. Buildings with more than 600 rooms (not counting kitchens and bathrooms) or with carts 3-yards or larger or compacted service, mixed use buildings without dedicated residential carts and all other buildings are charged commercial rates. Customer must provide accurate unit and room counts, subject to verification by Recology.

City law mandates everyone must have adequate refuse service, pay for service on time and properly separate recyclables, organics and trash. Minimum weekly service per unit is 16 gallons for trash, 16 gallons for recycling and 8 gallons for organics, unless there is no contamination in any carts. carts may be shared by dwelling units within one building if refuse service minimums are met. Apartment rates are for shared carts only.

Recycling, organics and trash carts should be at the same location. Carts shall be unobstructed and placed for easy access so they can be used and serviced in a normal and safe manner, as determined by Recology.

Refuse is to be in standard carts. Loose material, overflow (lid must be closed), overweight (more than 2 pounds per gallon) or non- standard carts may be  charged the next highest standard cart rate. Cardboard must be placed in a recycling cart, cardboard box or paper bags not exceeding 2 feet in any dimension (8 cubic feet). Customers with excess cardboard not in a cart on service day may be charged $5.46 per 8 cubic feet.

Additional frequency charges are linear (weekly service charges are multiplied by the number of collections per week). 16 and 20- gallon carts are not serviced more frequently than once per week. Customers must exceed  minimums for more than once weekly service.

Saturday service is 75% more than the applicable weekday rate (including volume, distance, elevation, access and other special service charges). To be eligible for a Saturday collection, at least 3 days per week service is required.

Sunday service is 175% more than the applicable weekday rate (including volume, distance, elevation, access and other special service charges) for weekday service. For Sunday collection, daily service is required.

Street level and curb is where Recology’s vehicle must park to service customer's carts. Distance is measured from vehicle along service path to carts. Elevation is determined by adding all distances up and down along service path.

Volume, distance, elevation, access and other charges are per location. Charges may be split among customers at the same location at 150% of the otherwise applicable rate. If two or more customers split service charges, they will be applied to each bill payer equally or as designated by the customers, subject to approval by Recology.

An access charge will be applied for each cart at a location when a key, padlock, combination lock, key pad, entry code, electronic door opener, transmitter or other similar entry mechanism is required to enter or leave/secure premises. An access charge will be applied for each occurrence of unlocking a cart. An additional access charge will be applied for relocking each cart serviced should a front-loader driver be required to get out of the vehicle again. A charge will not be applied for re-securing rear load or side load carts at the curb.

Contaminated recycling, organics, and trash carts may have the diversion discount removed and be assessed a 100% contamination charge. If a recycling  or organics bin is contaminated where it needs to be disposed of as trash, an “Extra Trash” fee of an equivalent volume may be assessed.

It is the customer's responsibility to monitor all services and charges and notify Recology of any possible discrepancies. Service credits will not exceed 30 days or one billing cycle, whichever is greater, from the time of notification by the customer. Recology performs periodic audits and will correct charges and recommend service changes.

Recology is responsible for normal wear of carts provided to customers. Customers are responsible for damaged carts beyond normal wear, reporting missing carts, excessive missing carts, and may be responsible for replacement cost. Cart cleaning service is available at an extra charge.

$20 will be charged to open a service account. Closing an account is only allowed for residency changes. Credit will be given for suspension of service (e.g., vacations) for one to three months. Customers must notify Recology of the suspension and restart dates before start of suspension. Base charges are not credited and an administrative charge of $10 is charged to restart service after suspension.

Electronic bill payers receive a $1 credit on each bill.

$25 will be charged for each check returned for insufficient funds.

Effective October 1, 2024 - September 30, 2025

Rate Year 2025 Tipping Fee Rate Sheet (PDF download)

Rate Year 2024 Tipping Fee Rate Sheet (PDF download)

Tipping Fee
Description of ChargeCharge

Tipping fee per ton delivered to Recology San Francisco facilities
