1609(b)(24) Community Outreach


Pursuant to Section 1609 of the San Francisco Police Code, every Cannabis Business Permit Applicant is required to conduct community outreach to notify neighbors of the Applicant Entity’s intent to seek Cannabis Business Permit(s) and to inform the development of the Applicant Entity’s Good Neighbor Policy.

The following rules apply to the Community Outreach Strategy and further outline application requirements.


Where these rules use terms defined in Article 16 of the Police Code, the Article 16 definitions of those terms shall also apply to these rules.

“Neighbors” means property owners and tenants within 300 feet of the proposed Cannabis Business Permit premises.


Mandatory Requirements for Community Outreach Strategy

  1. Cannabis Business Permit Applicant’s Community Outreach Strategy must, at a minimum, include the following strategies:

    1. Applicants must hold a minimum of one noticed community meeting with neighbors to seek input on the Applicant’s Good Neighbor Policy.
      1. The meeting should be conducted at the project site or within a one-mile radius.
        1. Applicants may request to host their community meeting at an alternative location. This request must be made by the Applicant in writing and submitted to the Office of Cannabis for approval.
      2. Weeknight meetings shall occur between 6:00pm- 9:00pm PT.
      3. Weekend meetings shall be between 10:00am- 9:00pm PT.

    2. Prior to holding the community meeting, Applicants must provide neighbors with a notice that includes:
      1. Information associated with the Applicant’s proposed neighborhood meeting(s), including date, time and location.
      2. Alternative ways neighbors may provide input on the content of the Applicant’s Good Neighbor Policy if neighbors are unable to attend the Applicant’s community meeting. This must include a method for neighbors to convey input in writing to the Applicant. 
      3. The name, phone number and email address of an onsite manager or community relations staff person who may be contacted by neighbors if they experience any problems associated with operation of the establishment.
        1. If a community relations staff person is not yet designated for the proposed Cannabis Business Permit, the Applicant may provide this information to neighbors at a different time, but the notice must be issued by the Applicant to neighbors prior to application completion and a copy of this notice must be provided to the Office of Cannabis.

    3. The Applicant shall share the final date, location and time of this community with the Office of Cannabis and the office of the district Supervisor no less than 72 hours prior to the meeting occurring.

    4. All materials and notices developed and distributed to neighbors by the Applicant as part of its Community Outreach Strategy must be translated into the languages required by the Language Access Ordinance, Administrative Code Chapter 91.

Mandatory Cannabis Business Permit Application Submissions

  1. The Applicant must attest that the Applicant has engaged in a Community Outreach Strategy to advise residential and commercial neighbors of its intent to apply for a Cannabis Business Permit, and to solicit input on the Applicant Entity’s Good Neighbor Policy.

  2. The Applicant must provide to the Office of Cannabis all material documents demonstrating the required outreach was done, including but not limited to:
    1. Any written notice provided to neighbors informing them of the Applicant’s intent to open a cannabis business
    2. Sign-in sheets
    3. Minutes
    4. Copies of any materials provided to neighbors
    5. The list of neighbors to whom the meeting notice was provided, including names and addresses
    6. If the Applicant provided neighbors with the name, phone number and email address of an onsite manager or community relations staff person via a separate notice pursuant to rule (a)(2)(C)(i) of this Rule, the applicant must provide the Office of Cannabis with a copy of this notice


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