Get paid for your vendor services

What to do

All City Suppliers with new and extended/renewed contracts should apply to receive electronic payments from the City through Paymode-X™. If accepted, electronic payments will be established upon enrollment otherwise payments will be via checks.

If you were recently assigned a Supplier ID from the City & County of San Francisco, Paymode-X will contact you in approximately 1-2 weeks to assist you in applying for electronic payments. 

If you have an urgent need to apply for Paymode, you may apply by contacting the Paymode-X Enrollment team at 800-331-0974 or by email at This team can assist with questions about the application process and setting up vendor membership. 

NOTE: You do not have to be a customer of Bank of America Merrill Lynch to receive Electronic Payments from the City & County of San Francisco.

What is Paymode-X?

The City & County of San Francisco makes daily payments to our vendors, contractors, and suppliers through Paymode-X™, an online payment provider (also known as "Automated Clearing House" or "ACH" payments). It is the largest and fastest-growing electronic payment network, where members exchange payments and remittance information electronically. Paymode-X® offers 2 different memberships: 

  • Paymode-X® Basic – Paymode-X® Basic is FREE to vendors.


  • Paymode-X® Premium –Additional benefits for a 1.5% network fee. This fee can be deducted from each payment or through a monthly direct debit. It is a Paymode-X® cost and not a City & County of San Francisco fee.
    • Paymode will provide you with a link to enroll, which may default to Premium. If you do not want Premium and would like to enroll in Basic instead, please contact them at 800-331-0974 or via email at Within 10 business days of this request, you will receive a link for basic enrollment. If you do not receive a response within this timeframe, please follow up with them directly.

How do I apply for Paymode-X® with the City & County of San Francisco?

A user designated by your organization can enroll by contacting the Paymode-X Enrollment Team. They can be reached at: 800-331-0974 or

Advantages to using Paymode-X™ electronic payments

  • Saves time and money – Electronic Payments can reduce labor, hassle, expenses, and risk associated with checks.
  • Fits with existing systems and banking practices – Paymode-X™ requires no software purchase, no modification to your accounts receivable system, and no change to your bank or bank accounts.
  • Includes remittance information from our check stub – Paymode-X™ provides the remittance information printed on our check stub with the electronic payment for easier reconciliation. You will also be notified by email each time you receive a payment.
  • Provides payment history – A detailed history of all Paymode-X™ payments from the City and County of San Francisco will be available to you on the Paymode-X™ website.

See the table below for a full list of features and benefits associated with each membership option:

Features & BenefitsBasic/StandardPremium

Free to Suppliers


Payment notification via email 24 hours prior to receipt



Mitigation of risk of payment fraud, account takeover and email compromise



Access to audited payment detail 24 x 7



Ability to update account information online



Payment Tracker



Rich remittance detail in a format of your choice


Excel, CSV, CTX, XML, BAI.v2, 835, email, or custom AR file


Voice-enabled mobile app for easy access to payment information


Request payment status online


“My Payers” functionally to track and trend your largest customers


Ability to easily share critical documents via the portal, such as W-8 & W-9


Searchable graphical and list views of payment data


Vendor Connect – enables Payers in the network to find your business


How do I apply for Paymode-X® with the City & County of San Francisco?

A user designated by your organization can enroll by contacting the Paymode-X Enrollment Team. They can be reached at: 800-331-0974 or 

What information is needed during the application process with Paymode-X®? 

  • A valid email address
  • Your company’s US tax ID number (EIN)
  • Additional items may be required to apply

Who do I contact for Paymode-X® application questions?

The Paymode-X® Enrollment Team can assist with any questions about the application process. They can be reached at: 800-331-0974 or 

Who do I contact for Paymode-X® questions once I have set up my membership? 

Contact Paymode-X® Member Services – This team can answer any questions post-enrollment about a vendor’s membership details, how to process payments, and pull reports. They can be reached at: 877-443-6944 available Monday – Friday 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM EST or

What if I am not receiving payment notification emails? 

All Paymode-X® payment notifications and reminders are sent from First check your spam/junk folders and filters to ensure you are allowing as a trusted email. 

If you are still having issues, contact Paymode-X® Member Services. They can be reached at: 877-443-6944 or

Can I set up multiple users to receive payment notifications?

Paymode-X® allows you to set up multiple users to receive payment notifications in the event the primary contact is out of the office. We recommend at least one additional contact who can receive these notifications. 

Can I charge the City & County of San Francisco a Paymode-X® Premium fee on my invoices? 

NO. If your organization wishes to offset the cost of enrolling in the ACH Premium by including those charges in any invoice to the City & County of San Francisco, in addition to the regular invoice amount, you cannot enroll in Paymode-X® Premium and no such charge will be paid by the City. 

We recommend that you reach out to the Paymode-X® Enrollment Team at 800-331-0974 or to change to Paymode-X® Basic, which is free to Suppliers.

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