Linda Hurshman

Board of Supervisors Appointee

Seat 3
Reentry Council of the City and County of San Francisco
Linda Hurshman

Linda Hurshman (L) was born and raised in San Francisco.  After attempting to get clean four times in one year, L finally gained sobriety on her fifth attempt on 11/18/2020. In fact, L was one of the very few people who were able to get and stay clean while staying in a SIP hotel during the pandemic.  While still on house arrest, wearing an ankle monitor, L took advantage of the numerous reentry services that the San Francisco Adult Probation Department offered. They were able to get to the root of their trauma through therapy and was able to identify and meet various goals through case management services. L also utilized employment services through Goodwill San Francisco Bay. Participating in the Pathways Job Readiness Program, L was able to gain employment at a SIP Hotel with San Francisco SafeHouse. Eventually, they were invited to come work with the team at Goodwill and now resides in their own studio apartment in Russian Hill.

Now over two years clean and sober, L returned to complete her Master’s in Sports Management at the University of San Francisco. Additionally, L was promoted in August to be the Community Engagement Lead at Goodwill. They have organized numerous very successful job fairs, bringing together employers who believe in second chances with candidates who are reentering from incarceration. In October 2022, the Board of Supervisors appointed L to the Reentry Council of the City and County of San Francisco. L views life as truly amazing now that they are clean and sober. They attribute their success to gaining a village of support, an attitude of gratitude, and faith. L is excited to make an impact on reentry and recovery within San Francisco as they help others on their reentry journey.

Contact Reentry Council of the City and County of San Francisco


Community Assessment and Services Center (CASC)564 6th Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
