Alex Madrid

Council Member

Mayor's Disability Council
Seal of the City & County of San Francisco

Alex Madrid was born in Manila, Philippines with Cerebral Palsy.  In 1996, he moved to San Francisco and later attended the University of California, Berkeley.  While he was a student at UC Berkeley, Alex became a strong advocate for disability rights.  Currently, Alex is the Housing and Peer Support Coordinator at the Center for Independence of Individuals with Disabilities in San Mateo.  In his position, he assists people with disabilities to identify resources, strategies, and equipment for achieving maximum independence.  He joined the San Francisco Mayor’s Disability Council in 2017 and continues to be a champion for the rights of people with disabilities in his community.  His areas of interest are accessible transportation, programmatic access, and accessible information technology.  He is also on the board member of SF IHSS PA, and SF GGRC.

Contact Alex Madrid

Contact Mayor's Disability Council


1455 Market Street, 8th floor
San Francisco, CA 94103


Mayor's Office on Disability415-554-0670


Mayor's Disability Council