Yerba Buena Island hosts first annual winter birding walk
TIDA, San Francisco Environment, Golden Gate Bird Alliance and California Native Plant Society - Yerba Buena Chapter hosted a winter birding walk on YBI on Saturday November 23rd.

On Saturday November 23rd local birders and nature enthusiasts came together for the first annual YBI Winter Birding Walk on-Island. Hosted by TIDA, San Francisco Environment, the Golden Gate Bird Alliance and the California Native Plant Society-Yerba Buena Chapter, the walk was led by ecologists with Habitat Potential, a local small business specializing in natural areas restoration and ecological services.
Braving heavy rain early in the day, the hearty group explored areas of western YBI ripe with winter bird populations including YBI's natural western-facing slopes, the West Stormwater Garden, Treasure Island Causeway and Clipper Cove Beach. The guides explained bird use of YBI for habitat and helped the group in identifying the various bird species observed on-Island over the winter and those bird's distinct markings and calls.
Additional interpretation was provided throughout the walk to educate participants on the local native plant population present on YBI, including those species of value to, and utilized by, YBI's winter bird population. Local species observed on the walk included red-shouldered hawks, red-tailed hawks, great blue herons, cormorants, grebes, loons, brown pelicans, flickers and wrens.
Despite the brief wet weather, the initial event was considered a success and will now become an annual occurrence on the TI/YBI Stewardship Program's calendar of public events.
About the TI/YBI Stewardship Program
The Yerba Buena Island/Treasure Island Stewardship Program strives to restore Yerba Buena Island’s native biodiversity and engage residents and the diverse Bay Area community to connect to nature on both islands and to participate in island ecological stewardship. Learn more here about the Stewardship Program and TIDA"s natural areas management activity on YBI.