The Folsom Street Fair vaccine event is part SFDPH’s community-based strategy to vaccinate communities highly impacted by MPX.


San Francisco, CA – The San Francisco Department of Public Health (SFDPH) administered 1,419 first and second doses of the Jynneos vaccine in just one day at the Folsom Street Fair on September 25 as part of its ongoing efforts to provide thousands of additional MPX vaccine doses to San Franciscans and visitors attending popular community events over the span of several weeks this fall.

This successful event took advantage of a one-time special allotment of 10,000 doses that SFDPH received as part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Service’s “Pilot Program for Additional Vaccine Allocation to State and Local Health Departments that Host Large LGBTQ+ Community Events”. This federal pilot program provides additional vaccines to states and cities holding events that convene large groups of LGBTQI+ individuals.

In addition to the Folsom Street Fair, SFDPH has held vaccine events with the Rafiki Coalition, San Francisco Leather & LGBTQ Cultural District, San Francisco AIDS Foundation, Beaux Nightclub, and others. To date, more than 4,000 doses from the special federal allotment have been administered with more large vaccination events planned for the coming weeks culminating in the Castro Street Fair on October 2.

As part of a multi-prong community strategy for vaccinating communities that are highly impacted by MPX, SFDPH has been partnering with community groups to support pop-up vaccine clinics at neighborhood events. In an effort to reach the wider community attending these events, SFDPH has temporarily expanded MPX vaccine eligibility to include people visiting from outside the San Francisco Bay Area from September 18 to October 2.

“This federal allotment enhances our efforts to ensure MPX vaccines are distributed quickly and equitably by bringing vaccines directly to where people are,” said San Francisco Health Officer, Dr. Susan Philip. “We encourage eligible people attending these events to take advantage of the MPX vaccine sites being right there and get their first or second doses. Remember, you need a second dose after 28 days to complete the vaccine series and gain maximum protection against the MPX virus."

SFDPH will hold more pop-up vaccine events in the lead up to, and during the Castro Street Fair on October 2. First and second doses of the Jynneos vaccine will be available at the following events:

  • SF Pride at El Rio, 3158 Mission Street from 4pm to 8pm on September 30
  • Special Saturday hours at the Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital (ZSFG) MPX Vaccine Clinic, 1001 Potrero Street Building 30 from 8am to 3:30pm on October 1.
  • Castro Street Fair on October 2.

SFDPH will continue to advocate for and stand with all communities who are disproportionately affected by MPX. For more information about vaccine eligibility and events, please visit

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